21WIRE.TV | Watch this special bonus segment for our Members.
Extra Time: Who’s Agitating for an American Civil War?
21WIRE.TV | A special bonus segment for our members.
Extra Time: ‘Cold War or Hot War?’ – Iran, Russia and Cyberspace
21WIRE.TV | A special bonus segment for our Members….
Extra Time: Why is the ‘Truth Movement’ Struggling with the Truth?
21WIRE.TV | A special segment available for our members and subscribers.
Extra Time: Christopher Steele & British Meddling in US Election
21WIRE.TV | Special segment available each week to our Members.
UKC Extra Time: Post-Skripal: Orwellian Information Lockdown
21WIRE.TV | A special segment available each week for Members & Subscribers.
MUST SEE TV: Real News Presenter Aaron Maté Interviews Guardian Reporter About His ‘Russiagate’ Conspiracy Book
21WIRE + TheRealNews | The best thirty minutes you will spend today – and likely the only thing you’ll ever need again to question the mainstream media’s official conspiracy theory.
NEW ON 21WIRE.TV – INSIGHT: NATO Nudging The Balkans to War
21WIRE.TV | A comprehensive look at how NATO and Soros are pushing the Europe and Russia towards war.
IN SYRIA: 21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter
21WIRE.TV | We’re getting out the truth about what is happening here in Syria…
INSIGHT: ‘What Did the BBC Do in Syria?’
21WIRE.TV | This latest episode takes a closer look at this highly controversial 2013 BBC Panorama documentary.
21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – Feb 18, 2017
21WIRE.TV | Exclusive commentary and analysis not covered yet at 21WIRE…
Episode 3 – DRIVE BY WIRE: ‘Under New Management’ with Patrick & Shawn
21WIRE.TV | MEMBERS can join co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton from 21WIRE for their brand new morning commute show ‘DRIVE BY WIRE’ shown in full here at 21WIRE.TV…
EP #8: Patrick Henningsen LIVE with guest Shawn Helton – ‘2017 Predictions & Trends’
Alternate Current Radio | Looking ahead to the new year, there are a number of big issues on the horizon both in the US and internationally.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS: 21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – Dec 24, 2016
21WIRE.TV | Thanks for your incredible support in helping us build this truly independent media platform.
Episode #9 – ON THE QT: ‘Cozy Bears & Eggnog’ – Sober Analysis of Russian Hack Hysteria
21WIRE.TV | Listen to this special FULL length podcast – a deeper dive than you will ever get from the mainstream media.
EPISODE #8: ‘ON THE QT’ – Election Special: Trump, Neocons, ‘Liberal’ Riots & Bipartisan Voter Fraud w/ Basil Valentine (FULL SHOW)
21WIRE.TV | This special election edition of ON THE QT is available in its entirety for free…
EPISODE #7 – ON THE QT: ‘US Election: Behind the Curtain’ (PART 1)
21WIRE.TV | What’s really lurking behind the US Election curtain of deceit?
CrossTalk: ‘White Helmets, Really?’ with Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett & Patrick Henningsen
CrossTalk | “Does wearing white helmets mean they are the good guys supporting a just cause?”
EPISODE #6 – ON THE QT: ‘Shilling for War’ (PART 1) @21WIRE.TV
21WIRE.TV | The US are leading a new push for a major war in the Middle East. Will it be a World War?
21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – Sept 23, 2016
21WIRE.TV | Key updates and news for 21WIRE.TV Members – including Obama and Kerry’s dangerous nudging towards WWIII footing.