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Meredith Corp. and Koch Money Buys Time Inc., ‘Left’ Goes Bonkers

21st Century Wire says…

News broke Sunday night that Meredith Corp., publisher of Better Homes & Gardens and other popular magazine brands, agreed to purchase all of Time Inc.’s assets in a cash deal valued at $2.8 billion.

Grabbing all the headlines is the $650 million investment from Koch Equity Development (KED). This is the private equity firm of Charles and David Koch, aka the “Koch Brothers.”

According to the company’s official press release, KED will not have a seat on Meredith’s board and “will have no influence on Meredith’s editorial or managerial operations.”

Zero Hedge reports the deal gives “the conservative billionaires a stake in one of America’s best-known publishers.” And that is what is giving the ‘Left’ mainstream media nightmares and creating widespread panic and hysteria on social media:

It remains to be seen how the editorial of these publications will be affected by Koch money. When the news broke in 2013 that Amazon.com founder and Bilderberg member Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post, we started asking some questions at the time. We’re starting to see how it will play out.

What we do know thus far about the Meredith/Time news – all the crazed paranoia around this deal exposes, yet again, how the mainstream, corporate power media likes to think their version of mass media is so influential. At the same time, discounting the ability of everyday citizens to think for themselves, and not be spoon fed whatever gets pushed out through the echo chambers of many of these failing and lost print magazine empires.

Let’s not forget it was Time Magazine that started selling ad space on their covers shortly after they were spun off from Time Warner back in 2014.

We thought this story by Bloomberg – “Rothschild’s Koch Connection Pays Off in Pursuit of Time Inc.” – was an interesting angle.

Watch this space…

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