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GE-Related Health Threats: ‘Monster Salmon,’ Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria from GE Experiments Found in Chinese Waterways

Dr. Mercola | We should have never allowed the GMO industry to takeover our governments and industries.

Codex Alimentarius and the NWO’s Agenda

21WIRE | The New World Order wants to reduce the world’s population to a level deemed by their elite committee as “sustainable”.

Possible Victory for Humanity: India Prepares to Kick Monsanto to the Curb

Natural News | Efforts kick Monsanto out of India are increasing.

GMO’s linked to aborted animals, Schmallenberg, while climate changers peddle new equine fears

Patrick Henningsen | Climate change is being blamed for something here that is more likely the result of GMO poisoning.

INFOWARS NIGHTLY NEWS: Host Alex Jones talks with Patrick Henningsen

Patrick Henningsen | Alex Jones talks to Infowars and 21st Century Wire editor Patrick Henningsen about the year’s big stories.


Andrew McKillop | Treating food and energy together is more productive than treating them apart, making it urgent these two themes are given the same political acknowledgement and treatment.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue