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Fake News Week
Tell Lie Vision (Photo Illustration @21WIRE)

In response to the establishment media’s contrived ‘fake news’ crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative media sources of news and analysis, 21WIRE is running its own #FakeNewsWeek campaign, where each day our editorial team at 21st Century Wire will feature media critiques and analysis of mainstream corporate media coverage of current events - exposing the government and the mainstream media as the real purveyors of 'fake news' throughout modern history… @21WIRE

INTERVIEW: Jason Liosatos – ‘Why Are BBC Attacking Independent Media?’

TNT Radio | The BBC’s underhanded and dishonest tactics used to discredit and defame members of the independent media.

Fact Check: Nearly 100 Percent of Political Contributions From Fact Checkers Go to Democrats

21WIRE | We now have the receipts that the entire operation is completely partisan.

James Delingpole talks to Patrick Henningsen

21WIRE | Talking about everything from fake news, to ‘Lab Leak’ and Ukraine.

Henningsen: ‘The Great Economic Heist’ – COVID-19, De-Dollarization & The Climate Agenda

TNT Radio | Breaking down the illusions which are forming our defunct big government policies.

NATO Member Romania Refutes Kiev’s Claim About Russian Missiles Crossing Into Its Airspace

21WIRE | More recklessness on display by both the Zelensky regime in Kiev and its western media counterparts.

Internal Documents Reveal How Schiff, Democrats Invented the ‘Russian Bot’ Hoax

Epoch Times | The MSM, Democrats, continued to hammer the ‘Russian bot’ story, despite a total lack of evidence.

AP Fires Reporter Responsible for Fake Story Alleging Russian Missiles Hit Poland

Post Millennial | The retracted story claimed a US intelligence official said that Russian missiles ‘crossed into NATO member Poland, killing two people.”

New York Times Claim: ‘Russian Bots Are Meddling in US Midterms’

21WIRE | The troll farm blamed for Donald Trump’s electoral victory is back, according to US researchers.

‘Fetterman is Fine’ Exposed as the Latest Democrat Media Hoax

21WIRE | This latest train wreck in Pennsylvania’s US Senate race really takes the biscuit.

INTERVIEW: Brian Berletic on Ukraine, Bucha and NATO propaganda

TNT Radio | Discussing the Ukraine conflict and how western governments and their media arms promulgate propaganda, false narratives and actual disinformation in and around war zones.

Sleepwalking Into Disaster: How US Establishment Lost Fear of Escalating Ukraine Crisis

21WIRE | Western censorship of Russian media outlets undermines western society and constitutional government.

‘Russia’s Mass Graves in Mariupol’: Another Fabricated Western Media Hoax

Eva Bartlett | Cutting through the blatant disinformation and fake news being spun by leading western media outlets.

Nonexistent US ‘Secret Intelligence’ on Alleged Russian Invasion

21WIRE | Incessant western alarm bells are part of a bigger information warfare campaign designed to mislead the public.

The Real Disinformation Agents: MSNBC Caught Lying Repeatedly About Assange and WikiLeaks

Glenn Greenwald | More proof that the the biggest source of misinformation and fake news is the mainstream corporate media.

REALITY: Failing Media Want to Resurrect Their Monopoly on Misinformation

21WIRE | Mainstream media continue to elevate Trump as the biggest existential threat to freedom and democracy in the US.

‘Slanted Journalism’ – Sharyl Attkisson on the 2020 Election

Sharyl Attkisson | Driven by their hate of Trump, the American media is now damaged beyond repair. 

Top Mainstream Media’s Misses of 2020

21WIRE | The American mainstream media’s worst coverage of 2020.

Deepfake Queen: What Their ‘Alternative Christmas Message’ Was Really About

21WIRE | What on earth was that really about?

Corporate Media’s Election Interference on Behalf of Biden Exposed

21WIRE | A look back at the four-year battle waged by Democrats and MSM to drive Trump from office.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Rejects Biden Call for ‘Unity’

21WIRE | The corporate mainstream media are clearly scorned.

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