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Fake News Week
Tell Lie Vision (Photo Illustration @21WIRE)

In response to the establishment media’s contrived ‘fake news’ crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative media sources of news and analysis, 21WIRE is running its own #FakeNewsWeek campaign, where each day our editorial team at 21st Century Wire will feature media critiques and analysis of mainstream corporate media coverage of current events - exposing the government and the mainstream media as the real purveyors of 'fake news' throughout modern history… @21WIRE

VIDEO: Meet The Fact Checkers

JP Sears | Behind the scenes with the Fact Checkers who determine what’s true, and what’s false.

Top US Commander Admits Russia Bounty Story in Afghanistan ‘Has Not Been Proved’

Antiwar.com | A detailed review of all available intelligence found no corroboration of the story.

Is the Texas COVID ‘Second Wave’ Fake News?

Ron Paul Institute | Texas Governor is coming under fire for aggressive ‘second wave’ lockdown policies.

77 Brigade: Is British Military Waging an Information War on Its Own Population?

Mike Robinson | UK government has now deployed the Military information warfare unit in order to try and steer the domestic conversation regarding lockdown and COVID-19.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Manufacturing Consent” (1992)

SUNDAY SCREENING | An in-depth study into how western propaganda became so effective, and so profitable.

Document Analysis: Debunking Fake ‘DoD Iran FOIA Request’

21WIRE | It took us just 5 minutes of Google searching to discover this letter was a forgery.

Western Media Coverage of Russia: A Perfect Case Study in Propaganda

Gilbert Doctorow | Thanks to our blinked MSM, the Western public have no chance to make sense of the most dangerous military and political standoff of our age.

Journalist Exposes BBC Propaganda in Ukraine, Crimea and Beyond

Graham Phillips | Is the BBC really an impartial news outlet? We’ll let you be the judge of that…

Regime Change Propaganda: National Geographic’s ‘Documentary’ on Syria

Mideast Discourse | Another prime example of a big-budget, western propaganda production designed to bolster the US Coalition ‘regime change’ narrative.

Orwellian Own-Goal: Finland’s ‘Fake News’ Training Children to Believe Only Mainstream Propaganda

21WIRE + South Front | The irony of Finland’s Orwellian own-goal here is lost on mainstream media commentators who seized on the story because it appeared to validate their confirmation bias.

Propaganda, Paid by You: Congress Gives USAGM More Funding Than it Asked For

21WIRE + South Front | Washington’s ever-expanding global propaganda operations, funded by the US taxpayer.

CNN’s Latest Epic Fake News Feature on Julian Assange

Stephen Lendman | Whistleblowing and other truth-telling about government wrongdoing are essential public services, warranting high praise – not prosecution and vilification.

No Longer Fiction: Orwell’s 1984 is the Reality of Our Times

Robert Bridge | The worst part is, Orwell must be looking down on all of this madness with much surprise.

Syria and War Propaganda: Robert Stuart vs the BBC

Susan Dirgham and Rick Sterling | Pulling back the veil on one of the biggest war propaganda deceptions in TV history.

Disinfo Maginot Line: Protecting EU from ‘Russian Influence’ – by Manufacturing History

Nina Cross | Narratives are being manufactured to fit the Western version of reality concerning critically important events shaping our history in and around Europe. But is EU’s latest line of defense really against ‘Russian influence’ or its own population?

#RussiaGate: ‘The Biggest Political Hoax in US History’

Patrick Henningsen | Amazingly, millions of Americans had actually convinced themselves that Moscow was the reason Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

UK COLUMN: Hitchens Takes on OPCW, Venezuela Fake News Exposed, Blair Playing Brexit

UK Column News | Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen take a look at the early week news round-up.

OPCW Douma Report Indicates US, UK, France Attacked Syria on False WMD Pretext

Iain Davis | The much-anticipated report is riddled with inconsistencies and unanswered questions, and may irrevocably damaged the west’s ‘chemical weapons attack’ narrative.

SYRIA: New OPCW Report Further Weakens West’s Shaky ‘Chemical Attack’ Narrative

Tony Cartalucci | After much hype, this latest attempt by this western agency to blame Damascus fallen flat on its face.

UK COLUMN: Venezuela False Flag Folly, Little Marco Loses It, UK Declares Hezbollah ‘Terrorist Org’

UK Column News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen break down the early week news round-up.

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