Last week, the western mainstream media was awash with reports that Russia had dumped 9,000 bodies into alleged “mass graves” in the city of Mariupol. Before long, this story had made it into nearly every mainstream newsfeed, including prominent placement on the world’s largest social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook. But is the story true?
Thanks to one independent journalist on the ground in Donbass, Eva Bartlett, the western claims of Russian mass graves has now been exposed as complete fake news being pushed by The Guardian, BBC, Washington Post, CNN, NPR, and countless others. Since this story was debunked, few if any western media outlets have bothered retracting the hoax story, or allow for even a moment of self-reflection as to how they all managed to run with a completely fictional narrative.
Eva Bartlett cuts through the blatant disinformation being spun by leading western media outlets, describing the reality of the situation there:
“According to Western media, now copy-paste reporting the same claims, Russian forces apparently secretly buried *up to 9,000 Mariupol civilians* in “mass graves” in a town just west of the city. Except, it never happened, there is no mass grave. It’s actually just a normal, small, cemetery…no pits, no mass graves, just an orderly cemetery whose grave diggers refuted Western claims. On April 23, with journalist Roman Kosarev, I went to Mangush (Manhush in Ukrainian), found a normal cemetery setting, and spoke with the men responsible for burials, who refused the allegations and said they buried each person in a coffin, including, they noted, Ukrainian soldiers.” Watch:
READ MORE UKRAINE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Ukraine Files

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