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HEBDO U-TURN: In France Nearly 100 Jailed for ‘Defending Terrorism’ and Other Speech Crimes

21st Century Wire says…

As 21WIRE informed its readers back in January, the legacy of the Charlie Hebdo debacle will not benefit freedom of speech or freedom of the press, rather, it will be used in order to restrict it further.

Since the Hebdo feel-good rally in Paris, the fervor has died down, while French officials have been busy locking up its citizens for various ‘speech violations’, and other thought crimes.

CLUELESS: Millions came out for “Charlie” in Paris, but most of them did not have a clue they were being used as media props (Image Source: Chuck Duboff)

American writer Brandon Turbeville pointed out, “The French government and French society in general is by no means a society of free expression. While Christianity and Islam are regular targets of derision and attack by magazines like Charlie Hebdo, other religions are considered more equal in such utopias.”

Bloomberg News explains what is a clear policy double-standard ‘free speech’ policy with the French media, even for Charlie Hebdo:

“In 2008, the French political cartoonist Siné, an octogenarian anti-capitalist and anarchist who had been contributing to Charlie Hebdo every week for decades, published a cartoon about Nicolas Sarkozy’s son, Jean. Jean Sarkozy was marrying the heiress to the French electronics chain Darty, which is a Jewish family business. In his cartoon, Siné noted—without any evidence to support this—that the young Sarkozy was going to convert to Judaism, the religion of his wife. Siné wrote, “He’ll go a long way in life, this lad!” Charlie Hebdo’s editor at the time, Philippe Val, who had printed the cartoon, faced objection, agreed it was offensive, and asked the artist to apologize. Siné said he would prefer to “cut his own nuts off.” He got axed from the paper. The cartoonist founded his own magazine—Siné Hebdo—took the journalist who first accused him of anti-Semitism to court for slander, and was put on trial himself for charges of anti-Semitism. Even at Charlie Hebdo, free speech in France is not impermeable. Even Le Monde, a more mainstream publication, in 2005 had to cough up cash—to the tune of one euro—for defaming Jews in an op-ed.”

Turbeville adds here, “An 80-year-old columnist for Charlie Hebdo was actually put on trial on charges of “inciting racial hatred” for making a joke that then-President Sarkozy’s son was converting to Judaism for financial gain. For all the talk of standing with free speech, the gentlemen making the joke found himself standing quite alone.”

Certainly, this looks like a classic Hegelian dialectic turn of events…
HYPOCRITE WALK: As world leaders kill free speech and privacy in their respective countries, the media creates a saintly image in order to celebrate ‘Charlie’.

Brandon Martinez
Intifada Palestine

Since the Charlie Hebdo attack, which bore many hallmarks of a false-flag operation, nearly 100 people have been jailed in France for speech deemed to fall under the rubric of “defending terrorism.”

Immediately after the attack, the French government passed draconian anti-terror laws which proscribed certain forms of speech that doesn’t suit the Paris regime’s neocon agenda. Among those arrested for “defending terrorism” have been children (an 8-year-old boy), alcoholics and mentally disabled people.

Many have pointed out the sheer hypocrisy of the French government which, in response to the murder of a dozen Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, declared itself a defender of “free speech.” French President Hollande led the ‘free speech’ march alongside a gaggle of hypocrite heads of state from dozens of countries which themselves have repressive anti-free speech laws.

Shortly after the Charlie Hebdo incident, the French government arrested wildly popular comedian Dieudonne for one sentence he wrote on Facebook: “I feel like I am Charlie Coulibaly.”

The comic has faced dozens of charges in the past few years relating to his satirizing of Jews and Israel…

Continue this story at Palestine Intifada

READ MORE CHARLIE HEBDO NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hebdo Files



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