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US Building New Drone Base in Niger, ‘Decimated Anti-War Left’ Looks On

21st Century Wire says…

We were reading this report by The Intercept detailing the over $280 million being spent on a new drone base for the US Air Force in Agadez, Niger, and couldn’t help but reflect on why the #Resistance in America no longer cares about US imperialism and killing overseas:

Not only has the ‘anti-war left’ been decimated in America, it’s become more acceptable to be part of something called the ‘anti-anti-war left’ – an obstacle to peace and advocate for war.

This is yet another example, but a very important one – an ever-expanding war footing in Africa was always on the cards for the US:

Formerly secret U.S. Africa Command planning documents, first disclosed by The Intercept in 2016, attest to the importance of Agadez for future missions by drones, also known as remotely piloted aircraft or RPAs. “The top MILCON [military construction] project for USAFRICOM is located in Agadez, Niger to construct a C-17 and MQ-9 capable airfield,” reads a 2015 planning document. “RPA presence in NW Africa supports operations against seven [Department of State]-designated foreign terrorist organizations. Moving operations to Agadez aligns persistent ISR [intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance] to current and emerging threats over Niger and Chad, supports French regionalization and extends range to cover Libya and Nigeria.” (via The Intercept)

The silence is deafening.

READ MORE AFRICA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Africa Files




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