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Search Results for: economy

ON THE INSIDE: Ex-Goldman Sachs Partner Tapped for US Treasury – Joined by Rothschild Linked Commerce Secretary Pick

Shawn Helton | A former Goldman Sachs partner goes to Washington – what will it mean for a Trump presidency?

Washington Post attempts to smear Ron Paul Institute and others, as ‘Tools for Russian Propaganda’

Ron Paul Institute | The Post’s agenda is guided by “the interventionist mindset that undergirds the mainstream media.”

Washington Post Sloppy ‘Journalism’ Blames Russia for “Fake News” Crisis and Trump’s Win, While Pushing Neo-McCarthyism

Patrick Henningsen | Here is a good example of “fake news” put out by America’s supposed ‘paper of record.’

Ron Paul Highlights Real List of Mainstream ‘Fake News’ Journalists

RT | Turns out that Dr Paul’s ‘list’ holds a lot more water than a list previously released by the LA Times and Merrimack College’s resident ‘media expert.’

The Great Con: Has Political Correctness Marginalized the Working Class?

Charles Hugh Smith | When elite “progressives” warn against “reversing 40 years of social progress,” what they’re really saying is they’re terrified that the bottom 95% might be waking up to their scam.

Soros, the Purple Revolution and The Caviar Eating Fake Left

Gilbert Mercier | Soros drives the ‘Caviar Left’ to the brink of obsolescence.

SHIFTING PARADIGM: You’ll Only Understand Trump and Brexit If You Understand the Failure of Globalization

21WIRE + Washington’s Blog | It’s hard to not to draw a comparison between the Brexit referendum and the stunning victory of Donald Trump.

TRADE RETHINK? Canada Ready to ‘Rework’ NAFTA with Donald Trump – As China Pivots Away from TPP Deal

Shawn Helton | The much maligned NAFTA trade deal may be redrawn.

KREMLIN: Putin Congratulates Trump, Hopes to Work Together Major Issues

21WIRE + RT | What happens between the two leaders over the coming months could chart the geopolitical course going forward.

WARNING: Don’t Worry If the Stock Market Goes Crazy After Election

Bloomberg | Investors should think before doing anything rash.

PARTNERS IN CRIME: Goldman Sachs, The Clintons & Wall Street

Shawn Helton | In one of the most significant financial rulings in the modern era, the Clinton presidency gave big banks like Goldman Sachs the skeleton key to the kingdom.

Washington’s Destructive ‘Foreign Policy’ Has Created The New Multi-Polar World

Brandon Turbeville | Syria will be the undoing of the Anglo-American world hegemon.

Hillary’s Secret Weapon: Evan McMullin is CIA-Goldman Sachs candidate, backed by Mitt Romney’s Wall Street Machine

J.R. Smith | Would the CIA ever try to interfere in an US election? It certainly looks like it…

REVEALED: The Dark Agenda Behind Globalization and Open Borders

Brandon Smith | The people behind globalism are tied together by an ideology which mimics a cult-like religion.

Paul Craig Roberts: ‘By Cooperating with Washington on Syria & Russia Walked Into a Trap’

Paul Craig Roberts | Washington’s provocation and demonization of Russia have brought trust between the nuclear powers close to zero.

SYRIA: “Bashar Al Assad is Determined to Hold Syria Together”

Jeremy Salt | The devil’s decade is upon us as the “new fascists” prowl the world.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Aleppo Media Centre’ Funded By French Foreign Office, EU and US

Vanessa Beeley | CNN and the mainstream media’s ‘go-to’ news source in Syria – now unmasked as western-funded propaganda mill.

SMILE: IMF Chief Christine Lagarde to Face Trial in French Court

21WIRE + France 24 | Is Lagarde involved in high level corruption, or is she being decommissioned for another reason?

Syria’s President Assad: “Erdogan used the Coup to Implement his Muslim Brotherhood Agenda”

SANA | Syrian President Assad discusses Erdogan, post-coup Turkey and the multi-proxy dirty war on Syria.

Syria: PokemonGo, the NGOs and the Game of Philanthro-Capitalism, Who Wins?

Jamila Assi | The NGO brand of humanitarian aid is philanthro-capitalism at work.

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