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CAPTAIN ABANDONS SHIP: Has Tsipras Just Resigned Himself To The Dust Bin of History?

Stuart J. Hooper | Syriza and Tsipras will now both be transferred to the dust bin of history, where they undoubtedly belong.

IT’S OFFICIAL: Greece Joins Africa in IMF Ghetto of ‘Third World’ Nations

Nizar Visram | Thanks to the lords of usury, Greece has now joined Africa as part of the ‘developing’ world.

UK Column Reports on Cyprus Economic Collapse

UK Column | Guest Patrick Henningsen reports on Cyprus crisis, plus other breaking issues covered by hosts Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson.

Henningsen in Cyprus: ‘Troika will take everything and push Russians out’

UK Column + RT | The Euro Group are trying to appear merciful, but the reality is they are going for all assets in Cyprus.

Cyprus Day 2: As the Dust Settles, Talk of Reciprocity and Whispers of Retribution

Patrick Henningsen | No run on the banks today, but the people begin to talk about what’s going to happen next…

Cyprus Day 1: Fear and Loathing in Nicosia

Patrick Henningsen | It’s clear after our first day in Cyprus, that the Troika are a pack of gangsters and thieves.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue