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Henningsen in Cyprus: ‘Troika will take everything and push Russians out’


The worst is yet to come for Cyprus as the banks of Northern Europe are set to further rape and pillage the economy here.

Bureaucrats and technocrats in the Cypriot capital of Nicosia have been busy trying agree on an even more horrible haircut than the each of the previous Troika hatchet jobs, and now the EU’s deadly pathogen has begun to spread to the far corners of the country, hitting the southern seaside tourist town of Pathos.

Cyprus managed to avoid the initial danger of an all out bank run and the potential for mass rioting this week, which is probably down to the fact that no Cypriot wants to see their country become a lawless banana republic in the Mediterranean. But that calm will not last for long if banking parasites continue to pressurize the economy here…

In case you missed other on location reports:

Cyprus Day 1: Fear and Loathing in Nicosia
Cyprus Day 2: As the Dust Settles, Talk of Reciprocity and Whispers of Retribution
Cyprus Day 3: The Sword of Damocles Still Hangs Over the Island

READ MORE CYPRUS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Cyprus Files



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