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In 2014, the US and EU backed a coup d'etat in the Ukraine. What followed shocked the world, with a series of reactions by Russia and the West which are sure to shape the destiny of the region for decades to come. Read about this and more in our extensive Ukraine archives...

How the US Media Have Whitewashed NeoNazis in Ukraine

Daniel Lazare | The truth is that America will back extremists so long as it serves to encircle Russia and advance NATO’s drive eastward.

Europe’s Latest Move Towards ‘EU Army’, Britain Welcome Too

21WIRE + The Duran | Nine EU countries are expected to sign on to a new European military force. Non-EU countries can also participate, including Britain – if Brexit ever really happens.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Crimea For Dummies (2014)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Did Russia really invade and ‘annex’ The Crimea?

Intel Fake News Psy-op: ‘Dead Anti-Putin Journalist’ Turns Up Alive at Press Conference

21WIRE + The Independent | Russia’s foreign ministry said it was happy Mr Babchenko was still alive, but accused Ukraine of using his story as propaganda.

51 School Children Hospitalized After Mass Poisoning in Ukraine

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva | Why are these outbreaks becoming more prevalent in Ukraine?

Who’s Behind PropOrNot? George Eliason Explains the US Government Propaganda Ring

Fault Lines | Interview with independent journalist George Eliason exposing the architecture of the US anti-Russian propaganda complex.

WMD America: Inside the Pentagon’s Global Bioweapons Industry

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva | An in-depth investigation into America’s international clandestine bioweapons industrial complex.

Another Year, More Color Revolutions?

21WIRE | 2018 will be a busy year for the CIA and George Soros – as they cling to the old order.

Episode #214 – ‘The World’s Most Interesting Man’ with special guest Adam Garrie

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Netherlands Cover-up? A New Twist in the MH17 Investigation

21WIRE + Oriental Review | Incredibly, Dutch officials have decided to file away important evidence out of sight, which ‘will not be included’ in the final report.

What a Wonderful World – US Saviour Complex

Bruno Guigue | The collapse of the US empire would be a cause for universal celebration

President Putin – “Ramping up Military Hysteria” Against North Korea Could Lead to Planetary Melt Down

21WIRE + RT | “What can restore North Korea’s security? The restoration of international law.”

Message for Progressive Left: ‘If You Want to See Real Nazis, Come to Ukraine’

21WIRE + Stalker Zone | “Kids, come into The Ukraine, we will show you Nazis.”

Amnesty International: Pernicious Liars and Empire’s Little Helpers

Tortilla con Sal | The destructive, catastrophic effects of Amnesty International’s role in supporting neocolonialism

John McCain and The Cancer of Conflict

Patrick Henningsen | The Senator will have the best treatment money can buy, while thousands of innocents will have died needlessly for his military industrial agenda.

UK COLUMN: Brexit Backsliders, Ukraine in NATO, BBC Terror, Grenfell Numbers, Uber Ethics

UK Column News | UK Column co-anchor Mike Robinson and 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen with today’s news round-up.

The Grand Chessboard & Arc of Crisis of Atlanticist Domination: Jay Dyer (Partial)

Jay Dyer | “The “Arc of Crisis” describes the “nations that stretch across the southern flank of the Soviet Union from the Indian subcontinent to Turkey, and southward through the Arabian Peninsula to the Horn of Africa.”

Syria And North Korea – Different Ball Games, Different Strategy

21WIRE + The Duran | Is President Donald Trump biting off more than he can chew with his current moves on the chessboard.

Crimea Crisis Won’t Abate Amidst US Lies

21WIRE + Strategic Culture Foundation | Why is the West allowed to dictate to Crimeans, and to Syrians, that they cannot choose their own government?

A Guide to Mainstream Media ‘Fake News’ War Propaganda

Patrick Henningsen | This practice of collusion between the government and corporate media has enabled most major global conflicts which the US and its allies participated in over the century.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue