21st Century Wire says…
This truly is the sum of all fears.
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In an exclusive report, Foreign Policy is breaking the alarming news that the Pentagon is preparing new war plans for battles with Russia in the Baltic. Plans for war with Russia were reportedly shelved after 1991, as the collapse of the Soviet Union pushed Russia into the globalized world where they had no option other than trying to make things work with the West.
Consequently those plans are having to be updated, with a senior defence official saying that “given the security environment, given the actions of Russia, it has become apparent that we need to make sure to update the plans that we have in response to any potential aggression against any NATO allies“.
David Ochmanek, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for force development, played out table top war game scenarios with U.S. army officials and Foreign Policy reports the games had ‘dispiriting’ results. NATO would be outnumbered two-to-one in the Baltic, and Ochmanek highlighted “the fact that the Russians have the world’s best surface-to-air missiles and are not afraid to use heavy artillery“.
Center of the globalist war machine. (Photo Credit: NASA)
Ochmanek concluded that, “we are unable to defend the Baltics“.
The central problem is that “U.S. battalions would still take anywhere from one to two months to mobilize and make it across the Atlantic“. He said “We played it 16 different times with eight different teams, always with the same conclusion”.
Moreover, Foreign Policy says the Pentagon is “chewing on various hybrid warfare scenarios, and even a nuclear one” – The sum of all fears.
The most positive aspect of this report are the words of a State Department official:
“A lot of people at the Pentagon are unhappy about the confrontation. They were very happy with the military-to-military cooperation with Russia. We would like to be partners with Russia. We think that is the preferred course — that it benefits us, it benefits Russia, and it benefits the rest of the world.”
Will the USA still be on top in 10 years time? (Photo Credit: Aude)
What this reveals is existence of different factions within the Pentagon. Some are seriously concerned about the growing confrontational stance with Russia, while others are seeking to push the two nations even closer to war. In order to avoid such a disastrous, potentially nuclear, confrontation, we would suggest those in the ‘unhappy’ camp continue to come forward, publicly, and air their concerns for the world to hear.
Any and all action that can prevent the outbreak of World War Three, the conclusion of the sum of all fears, will be remembered as a world historic event of the utmost importance.
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READ MORE ON THE NEW COLD WAR: 21st Century Wire Russia Files