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Establishment Leftwing Journalists Colluded with Big Tech to Attack Independent Journalists

The Federalist | Big tech’s assault on independent journalists and our free press comes with the backing and assistance of the Establishment’s leftwing journalists.

Death of Democracy? Biden in Bed with Silicon Valley Cronies

21WIRE | Just how tight is Biden and the Democrat Party with Big Tech censorship machine?

REVEALED: Facebook’s ‘Independent’ Fact-Checkers Are Political Partisans

Sky Australia | It’s possible that this partisan political censorship machine may have already damaged America’s democracy beyond repair.

YouTube Now Removing Videos That Question a Biden Victory

21WIRE | YouTube is also adding their ‘info panels’ to videos that contain election-related content.

FLASHBACK: Inside Joe and Hunter Biden’s Overseas Corruption and Cover-up

Sky News | An 87-page document examines the real conflicts of interest in foreign business by the Biden family during the Obama administration.

Revealed: Big Tech’s Coordinated Suppression of Speech

21WIRE | We’re now facing the dark prospect of international high-tech censorship effectively controlling political discourse on all of the main social media platforms.

Sen. Josh Hawley Corners Zuckerberg on Facebook’s Secretive Censorship Practices

21WIRE | Facebook CEO was evasive and dodged direct questions when confronted with evidence by the Senator.

Introducing The Biden-Harris Paid-For Online Troll Farm

Patrick Henningsen | Taking online trolling and bot farms to a whole new level this election cycle.

VIDEO: Meet The Fact Checkers

JP Sears | Behind the scenes with the Fact Checkers who determine what’s true, and what’s false.

Here’s Why Twitter Censored NY Post Investigation Into Bidens

JP Sears | Twitter strongly believes that all the emails, texts, and photos that incriminate the Bidens – deserves to be censored.

Peak Corruption: Bidens’ Ukraine Influence Peddling Exposed, Covered-up by Silicon Valley

21WIRE | Latest disclosures appear to implicate the Bidens high-level embezzlement and corruption.

Election Meddling: Hunter Biden Email Scandal Censored by Silicon Valley to Protect Joe Biden

21WIRE | Systemic corruption within Democratic Party and Silicon Valley is shown to be an affront to a viable democracy in America.

Jaron Lanier: ‘Too Much Social Media Can Ruin Your Life’

21WIRE | How firms like Facebook, Twitter and Google are using algorithms to manipulate and record data about people think and feel, and ultimately how we view the world.

The Twisted Truth: Silicon Valley Platforms Are Designed for Addiction

21WIRE | Are social media platforms ripping the apart the fabric of human society?

Are you Doomscrolling?

21WIRE + NPR | The pitfalls of incessantly scrolling though the bottomless well that is Twitter and how to break your habit.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Surveillance Capitalism’ (2019)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.

Twitter Targets Hong Kong in US-backed Regime Change Operation

Tony Cartalucci | This latest revelation should prompt nations around the globe to follow Russia and China’s lead in providing domestic alternatives and regulating Twitter, Facebook, and Google.

Question: What Exactly Are the Politics of Jeff Bezos?

Eric Zuesse | Society has a choice: either we get more of Big Brother, or an expanding democracy. Which side is Bezos on?

CONFIRMED: YouTube Censors ‘Anti-Protest’ Channels in Bid to Bolster New ‘Color Revolution’ in Hong Kong, China

21WIRE | US is now using its overwhelming ownership of internet platforms to fix marketplace of ideas in favor of is own policies.

2020 Debate: Tulsi Gabbard Takes Down Kamala Harris – Twitter Censors Gabbard

21WIRE | It’s now clear that both MSM and Silicon Valley are actively suppressing certain candidates.

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