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LAX Shooting: Drills, Mannequins & ‘The New World Order’

SEE ALSO: L.A. Ontario Airport ‘October Drill’ Nearly Identical to LAX Shooting Scene

21st Century Wire says…

Here we go again: drills, mannequins and your ‘New World Order’…

PHOTO-OPS: ‘LAX Shooter’ similarities to theatrics in Boston last spring are stunningly alike.

When we last left off, we learned that the Los Angeles Police Department  had conducted an “active shooter drill” in October with the Los Angeles Airport Police Department at the L.A./Ontario International Airport, playing out the exact scenario that took place at LAX on Friday, November 1st.

We also outlined how this may be used to arm TSA agents, who are not sworn peace officers. While it is truly tragic if someone did in fact die during this event, we can’t ignore the bizarre anomalies surrounding this case.

These are photographs obtained from a Facebook page by the name of Team LAX that was referenced in an article by Digital Journalism Saturday, November 2nd. The Team Lax page, is  the official event page for the LAX Airport Police and the images below were posted on October 8th. Here is a description of the photos from the same post on Facebook:

“As we posted previously, this past weekend Airport Police officers participated in an active shooter drill at Ontario Airport. An integral part of this training were the many volunteers who brought reality to the scenario by acting as victims. These “victims” were actually Youth Cadets from Airport Police and several divisions of the LAPD. The LAPD cadets came from the following divisions: Pacific, Hollenbeck, Southwest, Mission, Devonshire, Hollywood, West L.A., Topanga, Central, Rampart, Wilshire and 77th. Leading the cadets were Youth Services Officers (YSO’s), William Lara and Ericka Holliday from LAXPD and LAPD Sgt. Stephen Showler, Pacific Division Training Coordinator. 69 cadets participated on Saturday and 115 on Sunday. We’d like to thank all the Youth Cadets for their participation and boundless energy in making this training so realistic for our officers.”

We’ve seen an increase in these kinds of mass casualty drills in this year alone, none of which have managed to stop alleged criminal efforts. So what are they really for?

IMAGE:  Youth Cadets with L.A. airport police act out an “active shooter drill” in early October (Image: SocioEconomic History).

Actors used in these ‘drills’ (photo, above) are no better than mannequins, because the idea that you can do a Hollywood recreation of a shooting scenario in order to “improve response times and inter-agency organization” is far-fetched, and not much better than a video game, hair-trigger, ‘shoot first’ narrative we see in today’s law enforcement operations – all to acquiess the public to accept new “rules of engagement” based on new, fear-based ‘antigovernment’ profiling.

From one stage to another

It was reported that Paul Ciancia had been questioning individuals as he moved through the crowded airport terminal asking them if they were “TSA” agents or not, supposedly letting go those who were not agents.

It is also alleged that Ciancia, was carrying “anti-government and anti-TSA” writings contained in a bag on his person, one such note claiming he ‘wanted to kill TSA and pigs’ which was said to have been signed with the letters NWO, in an apparent reference to the global conspiracy.

Was this latest incident an effort to disguise legitimate conspiracy research by attaching a ‘global conspiracy’ meme to an alleged criminal, further discrediting those who seek truth in the world?

Mark Potok of The Southern Poverty Law Center, issued a statement about the LAX shooting incident on Saturday, November 2nd:

The 23-year-old man who allegedly killed a TSA official at Los Angeles International Airport yesterday was carrying a one-page “manifesto” that included references to the “New World Order,” the Federal Reserve and “fiat currency,” according to a knowledgeable source with ranking law enforcement contacts.”

Potok continues, by trying connect the alleged shooter to patriotic conservatives:

Ciancia’s language and references seemed to put him squarely in the conspiracy-minded world of the antigovernment “Patriot” movement. The New World Order refers to a longstanding conspiracy theory that today, in its most popular iteration, claims that global elites are plotting to form a socialistic “one-world government” that would crush American freedoms. Often, the root of the alleged conspiracy is traced to the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve and the adoption of fiat currency — paper money that is not backed by gold, as it was once was in the U.S.”

Potok’s statement above is misleading and is riddled with supposition, fueling the kind of political theater that seems scripted.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has been known to push deceptive propaganda to carry out their own political agenda.

MOVING IMAGES: This is alleged to be the LAX shooting suspect Paul Ciancia in custody (again this image of Ciancia differs quite a bit from eye-witness accounts and mainstream news reports).

The NY Post has since deleted this embarrassing image – allegedly of Ciancia, but here is another copy:

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PAINT-LIKE BLOOD: Incredible blood appeared – as depicted in this photo said to be Paul Ciancia, initially released by the NY POST after the event.

Here is one skeptic’s video analysis of what is being called a “fake shooting” event”…

Poor Richard’s News states that Ciancia’s blood could have been mixed with a coagulant called Celox, however, this blood looks suspiciously like the blood left at scene of the Boston Bombing.

IMAGE: Could an  AR-15 rifle been placed at the alleged crime scene after an ‘active drill’?

Below is YouTube depicting what appears to be a ‘mannequin’ being wheeled out of the L.A. airport with a police escort, in the aftermath of the LAX shooting. The footage is said to have been obtained from CBS news.

What do you think is happening here?

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