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Tracking and analyzing the West's most elevated terrorist opponent of the moment, the Islamic State, aka the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS).

Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Reveals Truth About Syria

We Are Change | Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Mairead Maguire tells her account of her visit to Syria.

What Will Be The Fallout From a War In Syria?

21st Century Wire | The proxy war in Syria is a shell game created by the West.

Footage of Killer ‘Machete Terrorist’ Attack in Woolwich, East London

21WIRE | Another horrific crime – and we will never know the truth.

Obama’s G8 Prize: Saudi-backed al Nusra unites with al-Qaeda in Syria

21st Century Wire | Obama and Cameron are very close to officially endorsing al Qaeda in Syria.

Iraq 2.0: West will now lean on UN to delivery a WMD verdict in Syria

Patrick Henningsen | Washington’s fake WMD issue may take center stage once again – this time in Syria.

‘Pax Romana’? Looking Back at a Massive Error in Modern U.S. History

Daily Star | Remembering that key moment which triggered a sharp moral and economic decline of the United States.

Open War Crimes: US and British-Backed Weapons Airlift From Croatia to Terrorists in Syria

Patrick Henningsen | The west are openly and illegally running weapons into Syria, but will the international community act accordingly?

Zero Dark Thirty wins ‘Riefenstahl Oscar’ for Best Propaganda Film

Patrick Henningsen | There’s an obvious problem with Kathryn Bigelow’s latest film, so it’s no surprise that it’s bagged this year’s Speer Prize.

Sectarian Theatre Gradually Moves Eastward to Iraq

21WIRE + AP | Iraq bomb blast kills 26 as fears of sectarian strife return to the Middle East’s notorious state.

Erdogan vs Army: 15% of Turkish Military Top Brass on Trial, Hundreds Resign

21WIRE + RT | Erdogan beleives he’s the new sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

Official: Israeli Warplanes Fly Over Lebanon, Bomb Syria

21WIRE | Israel is busy behind the scenes softening up Syria in advance of a US-led bombing campaign.


Andrew McKillop | By 2014, the US will be rivaling Saudi and Russian oil output, or even exceeding their output, as Asian demands for energy increase.

Globalist Susan Rice Withdraws from Secretary of State Bid Over Opposition

21WIRE | She’s now in the same category as Tony Blair, George Bush and others who couldn’t manage to tell the truth.

Cameron and Obama’s Hired Thugs Now Butchering Their Way Through Syria

21WIRE | Western-backed terrorists in Syria are becoming more violent and deranged, resembling a kind of death cult.


WRH | No photos or videos, means that bin Laden was never there.

NATO’s LEGACY: ‘Libya in chaos, divided as never before’

Ali Alkasa + RT | Libya has been left to its own devices – as arms and al Qaida head for Syria.

BENGHAZI-GATE: Washington’s Violent Internal Feud Over Libya Attack

Sean Sullivan | US politicians have turned Benghazi into a partisan circus – in order to hide Washington’s covert crimes.

U.S. TROOPS Touchdown on Jordan/Syria Border – Sets Stage for SYRIA WAR Escalation

RT + The Times | The Syrian conflict took an unexpected turn last week.

Predictable Chaos: ‘Libya ungoverned & ungovernable’

RT + James Corbett | The siege of Bani Walid started because the National Congress wanted to arrest the suspected murderers of the man ‘credited’ with killing Colonel Gaddafi.

Libyan who helped capture Gadhafi dies after torture, kidnapping

McClatchy Newspapers | Omran Shaban died in a Paris hospital allegedly as a result of a bullet wound and torture he received after his kidnapping.

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