Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of ‘The Boiler Room’ tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.
This episode explores this weeks big story (according to the mass media cartels) the so-called ‘pipe bombs’ that have been received by more than ten prominent democrats and news agencies (e.g. CNN, George Soros). The conversation leans into the unbelievable narrative being spun by CNN, the mental gymnastics required to believe this story at face value, the anomalies and unanswered questions about the logistics of the package handling and the federal ongoing investigation, the illogical intent behind the proposed narrative and how it could possibly be considered a legitimate “October Surprise” in the wake of its utter failure to convince viewers and listeners who aren’t buying into the “Russian collusion” and “Trump’s fault” causality. The border caravan is next on the Boiler Room hit list, hang with the Social Rejects Club for a meta discussion on this mass amount of immigrants trying to gain access to the U.S. via the border with Mexico and much more on this episode!
Join Hesher, Spore, Infidel Pharaoh, Max, Fvnk$oul and Randy J for this gathering of the media maniacs in the Social Rejects Club on Alternate Current Radio.
Boiler Room may contain explicit language and adult themes.
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- Articles
- Ice Breaker – China is launching a fake, extra-bright moon to cut the cost of city lights – RT
- Suspicious packages could be ‘Russian operation,’ says MSNBC host – RT
- October Surprise Series – Robert Parry – Consortium News
- New evacuation at Time Warner Center, home of CNN HQ, over ‘suspicious package’ – RT
- Russian Troll Case Concord Management Hearing (Russian Troll Case) Indictment – @Techno_fog
- Guatemalan Authorities Rescue Group of Minors from Human Smugglers in Caravan – JW
- Teen Filmed Sex with Teacher During Pep Rally, Say Police – Breitbart
- Jamal Khashoggi body parts: Where were Khashoggi’s remains found? What was in the garden? – Express
- Arkady Babchenko says he faked his own death with pigs’ blood and a makeup artist – CNN
- Saudi Arabia criticised for 48 beheadings in four months of 2018 – Guardian
- Videos
- Hodge Twins Response to the pipe bomb mailing story (watch the video, read the comments for a good laugh) – Twitter
- Podcasts
- Interview With Michael Rectenwald – Springtime for Snowflakes – Radiant Creators
- Boiler Room #185 with Hesher and Mark Anderson – Airborne and Subterranean Cartel Invasion & Kavanaugh Coverage
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- Karl Sanders – Kali Ma
- Parliament Funkadelic – We Want The Funk
- Type O Negative – Black No. 1
- The Kinks – The Death of a Clown
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