| Psaki ‘circles back’ after getting fact-checked by CNN.
MBS: White House Makes False Claim That ‘US Does Not Sanction World Leaders’
Khashoggi: Saudi Court Sentences 5 Men to Death Over Gruesome Killing
21WIRE | Although the Kingdom’s judicial system has ruled, many questions still linger over last year’s international incident.
After Khashoggi: Saudi’s Regional Status Downgraded Despite Mea Culpa
MidEaStream | Dr. Marwa Osman speaks with 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen about problems Saudi Arabia is now facing and why it may not be able maintain its lofty position in the region forever.
Netflix Pulls Muslim Comedy Show After Saudi Complaint – ‘It was disrespectful to MBS’
21WIRE + MEE | Muslim comedian sand boxed by Hollywood gatekeepers for “exposing grim truths” about the oil Kingdom.
US Senate Votes on Yemen as Brutal Proxy War Rages On
21WIRE | Will anything really change? Why now?
UK COLUMN: Does ‘Soros’ Equal Antisemitism? Also: Faux Mail Bomber, Khashoggi Habeus Corpus
UK Column News | Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with this past week’s news round-up.
Blame Orange Man and the Trojan Caravan – Boiler Room EP #189
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore and the Boiler Room Social Rejects Gang are back! Get ready for a wild look into the news stories of the week with that special Boiler Room irreverence.
Saudi and Israel Lobby on Same Page in Whitewashing Khashoggi Affair
21WIRE + Lobby Watch | What the mafia and organized crime syndicates do under the table, rogue states like Israel and Saudi Arabia do out in the open.
UK COLUMN: Khashoggi MIA, Trump’s Nuclear Balk, Saudi Mole at Twitter, NATO Provocation
UK Column News | Co-host Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the early week news round-up.
Khashoggi’s ‘Barbaric Murder’ Could Put Saudi-Turkish Relations on Ice
MEE | This issue cannot be simply reduced to the ‘silencing’ of Khashoggi – bigger geopolitical implications will surely emerge.