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‘Kushner Blowback’: Protesters storm Bahraini embassy in Baghdad, burn US, Israeli flags

(Image Source: Twitter)

The international backlash against Jared Kushner’s fundamentally flawed “Deal of the Century” has already begun, as protesters in Iraq besieged the Bahrain embassy in Baghdad. Crowds are accusing Bahrain of being a ‘US puppet’ and for selling out the Palestinian cause to corrupt US and Israeli interests. 

According to local media reports, Iraqi security forces have already detained some 50 protesters, and that five security officers were injured during clashes.

Reuters reports that Bahrain has now recalled its ambassador to Iraq.

This past week, Bahrain hosted Kushner’s three-day summit entitled, “Peace to Prosperity” in its capital Manama, where President Trump’s son-in-law unveiled his “Deal of the Century,” which claims to solve the Israel-Palestine conflict but has been called out as a complete disaster by numerous Middle East commentators.

‘Iran blowback’

The incident also shows how vulnerable the various Gulf monarchies are to reprisals by Iran’s allies in major cities across the Middle East. If the US incite a military confrontation with Iran, then countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, and even Qatar, may quickly find themselves in the cross heirs of angry activists and protest mobs across the region.

Jerusalem Post reports…

Protesters burning Israeli and American flags and some carrying Palestinian flags, stormed the Bahrain embassy on Thursday night in Baghdad, according to reports and photos posted online.

Saudi Arabia’s Gulf Affairs Minister Thamer Al-Sabhan condemned the incident as “very unfortunate.”In Iraq many pro-Iranian groups and pro-Palestinian activists were outraged. Over the last two days there has been growing incitement against the Gulf Arab countries in Iraq. Kata’ib Hezbollah, a Shi’ite paramilitary linked to Iran, condemned Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and their allies as “tools” of the US and accused them of being allied to “Zionists.” In addition Iran has accused Bahrain of “betrayal” for hosting the summit.

Video on Aletejah TV showed the protesters “storming” the embassy. The protest reached the embassy around ten in the evening and people began to climb over walls that appeared to surround the embassy building. According to the Bahrain Ministry of Foreign Affairs website their embassy in Baghdad is located in Al-Mansour district in an alley. The Embassy’s office is in the al-Rashid Hotel. This is a bit confusing because the hotel is just north of the Green Zone whereas the Mansour district area shows the Embassy to be near the Russian embassy in an area west of the Green Zone. This entire area is well known and full of cafes and malls.

It comes in the wake of a US-backed conference in Bahrain on June 25-26 that saw Bahrain’s Foreign Minister express openness to Israel and Jews.

Bahrain already has tense relations with Baghdad after accusing leading politician Muqtada al-Sadr in April of meddling in Bahrain’s affairs. On June 21 Bahrain condemned a terror attack in Baghdad that targeted a mosque and expressed condolences with the victims.

The protesters who targeted the embassy carried signs condemning the “deal of the century” and calling on people to say no to the deal. The signs also accused the “kingdoms of the sand,” a reference to the Gulf kingdoms, of being “Arab Zionists who have sold their Arab identity for a failed deal.”

By midnight Iraqi security forces had arrived and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain had condemned the protesters attacking the embassy…

See more at the Jerusalem Post

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