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SYRIA: The Tabqa Dam Saga or War for Water

Steven Sahiounie | The Tabqa dam story is proving to be hard to unravel satisfactorily

YEMEN: “Saudis, Emiratis and USA are Inflicting a War of Genocide Against the Houthis ~ Prof. Francis Boyle

Sputnik | Claims that Houthis are ‘agents of Iran’ is a ‘fairy-tale myth’

SYRIA: Washington’s Kurdish Pawns in the Geopolitical Chess Tournament

Sarah Abed | The misuse of the Kurdish people to ensure US and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East

SYRIA: Washington’s ‘Greater’ Middle East Project – Hand in Hand with Israel

Sarah Abed | The Washington Project to divide, destroy and conquer Syria

SYRIA: Approaching the Finishing Line, Geopolitical ‘Jockeying for Position’ Intensifies

Andrew Korybko | As Syria nears the finishing line of a six year NATO state terrorism campaign, the geopolitical maneuvering hots up

AFGHANISTAN: A Stunning but Terribly Scarred and Injured Land

Andre Vltchek | The NATO legacy: ‘Misery is everywhere, destroying the country’

SYRIA: Taking Resistance Personally, a US Syrian’s Prayer for Solidarity

Sarah Abed | Turn back the tide of propaganda and allow the resistance to fight for all our freedoms

SYRIA: President Assad Addresses Russian Media on Syrian Constitution and Borders

SANA | Syrian sovereignty reigns supreme

WHITE HELMETS: Are Dead Children Being Used as Props for Propaganda Videos?

SWEDHR | Macabre shadow play by NATO state White Helmets using dead babies as props for war porn

PRESIDENT ASSAD: All Foreign Troops in Syria Without Invitation are Invaders

SANA | President Assad declares US troops, “invaders”, in Syria

TRUMPDOM: The Curious World of Trump’s Foreign Policy Explained

Niraj Srivastava | Foreign policy in Trumpdom takes some dizzying turns, here we try to make sense of the maelstrom

Syria Solidarity UK Take on Vanessa Beeley – and Lose

Barbara McKenzie | The Syria Solidarity UK working hard against Syria

SYRIA: Repeat Cycle, MI6, CIA, “Regime Change” Operations

21WIRE + Washington Blog | Syria is at centre of oil pipeline arteries

Amnesty International “Human Slaughterhouse” Report Dismissed as Fake News by Ex UK Ambassador to Syria

21WIRE + Sputnik | Amnesty International ‘smart’ power underestimated power of truth

HOMS: The Global Moral Compass is Spinning Wildly, Terrorists, Rapists and Murderers are “Rebels with a Cause”

Afraa Dagher | Dont talk to me about “moderate opposition”

AFRICA: The Role of Oxfam, Unicef, Live Aid in the Systematic Destabilization of African Nations

Mallence Bart-Williams | “How super sweet of you to come with your colored paper in exchange for our gold and diamonds”

The Trump Effect on the Balance of Power in the Middle East

Niraj Srivastava | Peace and stability will be achieved through Assad and Syria’s allies, not through US intervention

SYRIA: Nusra Front Suicide Bombers Target Homs, Dozens Killed and Injured

Vanessa Beeley | Al Qaeda suicide bombers massacre 32 and injure 24

UPDATED: White Helmets are Denied Entry into US, Hollywood Dreams Over

Vanessa Beeley | Is the White Helmet halo falling from grace?

SYRIA: A True Supporter of Real Palestinian Resistance in the Middle East

Johnny Achi | Syria has been targeted because of its support of the Palestinian resistance

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