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Israel’s Latest Attack on Syria Launched From Lebanese Airspace, Killed Civilians

21WIRE | Israel violates Lebanese airspace and Syria’s sovereignty once again, killing Syrians in the process.

Syrian Arab Army Restarts Operation to Erase ISIS from Homs

AMN | ISIS desert hideouts and trenches used to launch attacks on Syrian government forces are being cleared in Homs.

Russia Official: ‘OPCW Found No Chemical Weapons’ at Syrian Facilities Barzeh, Han Shinshar

21WIRE + Sputnik | Why would the US military and its allies play such a reckless game of roulette with innocent civilian lives?

Road to Damascus: An Irishman’s Journey to Syria

Niall Farrell | The Prophet Mohammad, when asked why he had never visited Damascus, replied that you “only enter paradise once”.

Boiler Room #104 – War Sells… But Who’s Buying

Boiler Room | Trump/NATO strikes Syria over unproven chemical attacks, resurrecting the lies of Obama’s ‘Red Line.’ Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Patrick Henningsen, Andy Nowicki and Infidel Pharaoh.

SYRIAN ARMY: ‘Homs is Free of Terrorists’

Syrian Arab Army | The original hotbed of the Syria’s violent conflict is now ‘terrorist free.’

HOMS: The Global Moral Compass is Spinning Wildly, Terrorists, Rapists and Murderers are “Rebels with a Cause”

Afraa Dagher | Dont talk to me about “moderate opposition”

SYRIA: Nusra Front Suicide Bombers Target Homs, Dozens Killed and Injured

Vanessa Beeley | Al Qaeda suicide bombers massacre 32 and injure 24

Syria’s Assad: ‘Our opponents have used up all their tools’ to oust regime

AP/CBC | Assad believes he’s fended off everything his enemies had thrown at him, with only foreign intervention left to face.

Syria regime change PR in high gear: More ‘newborn baby slaughter’ propaganda

Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire February 12, 2012 LONDON – We can already see exact parallels with the current PR operation to bring down Syria with how Libya went down. In one story published today, it seems that one award-winning mainstream newspaper has been caught red-handed running faux news on Syria – and incredibly, it’s not the first time this exact […]

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