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SYRIA: Taking Resistance Personally, a US Syrian’s Prayer for Solidarity

View from inside the ancient Citadel, East Aleppo, Old City, 24 hours after liberation from US funded terrorist occupation. December 2016 (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Sarah Abed
21st Century Wire

Syria is the bleeding heart of the resistance axis. Syria defied the odds and defiantly stood up against Western imperialism, highly funded, trained, and Western backed armed foreign mercenaries, and attacks from many powerful nations around the world.


In Arabic they say “Souria 3eeoona khidir” meaning Syria’s eyes are green referring to the two stars in the flag. So whenever you see a Syrian flag make sure it has 2 green stars/eyes not three bloody stars. That way you will make sure its the legitimate Syrian flag not the French mandate flag that the opposition is foolishly using for their “fake revolution”.


Syria will not only win this war but will come out stronger than before Inshallah (God willing)! Like the Jasmine plant that vertically grows and clings to the sides of a building defying gravity and holding on tight, Syria too will hold on tight to it’s freedom. It will grow, it will prosper, and it will show the world what resistance truly means.

Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and local militias imposed full control over the Salamiyah-Ithriya Highway today (21/03/2017) after reversing the Islamic State’s gains in the eastern countryside of Hama. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Syrian blood has been spilt and ran like rivers in the streets. Blood that the terrorists thought was cheap, lives that they thought they could end with a knife, gun, or other weapons. How does one even take such an action? Who are they to determine who deserves to live or die? These godless beasts think they are invincible but the time will come when they will pay for this.

To every action there is a reaction. One day, whether it be in this life or the next they will pay. Every single person that had a hand in destroying Syria whether it be the politicians, the soldiers, the media, the fake activists, the ignorant people spreading false allegations on social media, every single person that had a hand in destroying Syria will pay..

Terrorist held areas of East Aleppo under attack during liberation by the SAA and allies in December 2016 after a five year long occupation by Nusra Front-led extremist groups, funded and armed by the US, NATO and Gulf states. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

I am amazed at how resilient Syrians are in Syria, and that’s what makes me want to fight hard for them and do what I can to counter the lies and propaganda that has fueled this war. I think about what a day would be like in their lives, and unless we are there, we are incapable of fully understanding what they have lived through for six years.

We fight for them to be heard because their fight is our fight. They are warriors on the front line. We need to be there to support them, encourage them, and fight against all of the powers that are fueling this war against Syria. We owe it to humanity to do that. I have seen people from all over the globe caring about Syria and wanting to help. Sharing posts, making comments, it warms my heart.

jasmine mezzeh
Jasmine flowers in Mezzeh, Damascus. (Photo: Flickr)

You might think that what you are doing is minor and won’t bring about any change but I can assure you that every effort is important, this is a global effort that we need to make. We need to understand the implications of not fighting on the side of truth, we can not afford to lose this battle.

Refugees from East Aleppo gather in Jebrin registration centre, after liberation. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Inshallah all of us who have been fighting hard on Syria’s behalf can unite in Syria one day when it has been fully liberated and all of the terrorism has been cleaned out. When Syria has returned to its beautiful original state. All of us truth advocates from around the world can unite and finally celebrate Syria’s victory with its warriors! Until that day we need to fight for Syria’s liberation and for it’s victory. Every single person in Syria that is fighting for liberation is a warrior. Everyone outside of Syria that is fighting is also helping to shift the tide and bring this war to an end.

The beauty of Syria. Christian churches side by side with Muslim mosques in the Old City, unified Aleppo (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Mark Twain in 1867 wrote about Damascus:

“She measures time not by days and months and years, but by the empires she has seen rise and prosper and crumble into ruin. She is a type of immortality.”

Lady 3
Refugees in Damascus. July 2016. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files




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