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REAL Coverage of Syrian Conflict

Since 2011, the Syrian War has become one of the most important battlefields in the world. Now in its 8th year, it remains one of the most misrepresented conflicts in history, as regime change-seeking Western and Gulf state powers seek to mislead the public by wrongly framing it as a 'civil war' when in fact it is any but that. With over 1,500 Syria-related articles and videos in our archive, 21WIRE is determined to set the record straight, providing readers with groundbreaking coverage from the Middle East...

ARAB MOCKINGBIRD: ‘Alleged abuses on both sides of Syrian conflict’ says Al Jazeera, while only showing one side the story

Patrick Henningsen | Al Jazeera is currently masquerading as an “alternative” view in global media coverage, but it’s only western propaganda.

U.S. TROOPS Touchdown on Jordan/Syria Border – Sets Stage for SYRIA WAR Escalation

RT + The Times | The Syrian conflict took an unexpected turn last week.

‘Four beaten when masked men boarded Syria-bound plane’ – attendant

Humiliation, threats and brutal beatings – that’s how some of those on board a Syria-bound plane describe the welcome they received in Turkey. F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to ground the Moscow – Damascus flight. It was carrying over thirty passengers, including small children.

Turkey, Syria and ‘Plan C’ for the West – UK Column Live with guest Patrick Henningsen

UK Column Live welcomes’s guest Patrick Henningsen on to the program to analyse the recent escalation in Syria, as NATO member Turkey is positioned by the West to pry an opening for outside military intervention in the region. In addition Patrick discusses the rise of Right Wing extremism in an economically depressed Europe, as well […]

Rebels to kill Iran’s hostages if Syria rejects prisoner release

In Syria, the Free Syrian Army says in two days they could start executing 48 Iranians they kidnapped in August. They claim their captives are Revolutionary Guards, Tehran says they’re pilgrims. The threat would be carried out if the Syrian regime does not fulfill demands to release rebels fighters and stop shelling. RT talks to […]

95% of ‘Syrian rebels’ not Syrians – report

The Syrian crisis is a result of a coherent collective effort by a gang of foreign states – that’s the message Syria’s foreign minister laid out for the UN General Assembly. International law professor Daoud Khairallah says that Syrians would never inflict such vicious destruction on their homeland and the fact that foreign fighters are […]

West Use Terrorists in Turkey to Bait Syria as with Soviets in Afghanistan

In a bid to speed up their time tables for Spring 2013, the West and their proxy Turkey are now baiting Syria into a wider regional conflict. Turkey’s parliament has authorized cross-border military operations into Syria ‘when necessary’ following a casual mortar-shelling incident on the Turkish-Syrian border. UK Column’s Patrick Henningsen breaks down the geopolitical […]

Turkey strikes Syria targets after deadly mortar attack

Turkey has fired back at Syria after Syrian mortar bombs killed five people and wounded eight others in a Turkish town near the border, says the Turkish Prime Minister’s office 

Libyan who helped capture Gadhafi dies after torture, kidnapping

McClatchy Newspapers | Omran Shaban died in a Paris hospital allegedly as a result of a bullet wound and torture he received after his kidnapping.

Henningsen: ‘US and allies are unleash hell in Syria, new violence levels reached’

Iran’s Press TV Channel says its correspondent Maya Nasser has been shot dead by a sniper while reporting on air about today’s twin blasts in Damascus. Patrick Henningsen – a geopolitical analyst for the current affairs website “UK Column” – believes the Iranian journalist’s death is unlikely to be an accident. Henningsen also highlights the […]

‘Double Standards’ on Press TV – guest Patrick Henningsen gives analysis on Syria’s ‘Civil War’

Press TV | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen exposes the fraud of NATO’s dirty war in Syria.

Danny Dayem and CNN’s Mockingbird Media Agitprop Shop

Patrick Henningsen | CNN’s outrageous agitprop theatrics continue, complete with fake gun fire and mock explosions made-to-order for a clueless American public. .

Obama’s Secret Letter to Tehran: Is the War against Iran On Hold?

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya 4th Media January 23, 2012 “The Road to Tehran Goes through Damascus” The New York Times announced that the Obama Administration had sent an important letter to the leadership of Iran on January 12, 2012. [1] On January 15, 2012, the spokesperson of the Iranian Foreign Ministry acknowledged that the letter had been […]

Why Attacking Iran Will NOT Work in 2012

Patrick Henningsen | Any nuclear conflagration by the US or Israel would most certainly result in a global backlash against the West – at its worst acting as a procession into the hot stages of World War III – but it won’t happen this year.

INFOWARS NIGHTLY NEWS: Host Alex Jones talks with Patrick Henningsen

Patrick Henningsen | Alex Jones talks to Infowars and 21st Century Wire editor Patrick Henningsen about the year’s big stories.


21WIRE + RT | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen explains what is really happening in Syria right now – and why still Libya matters.

While Blood Flows in Cairo, Arab League Call Their Meeting To Discuss… Syria?

Patrick Henningsen | The Arab League has shown itself to be nothing more than a passive functionary of US and NATO nation interests in the Middle East.

‘Occupy Messiah’: ‘Do as we say, not as we do’, says Obama

Patrick Henningsen | Washington still felt it was somehow ‘winning’ when they went on to demand that both Libya and Syria to ‘show restraint’ and let ‘democracy’ take it’s natural course.

Washington’s agenda revealed: NTC rebels asking NATO to ‘stay in Libya’

Patrick Henningsen | “The Liberation of Libya”, to be divided up by a series of multinational companies, with US and European military contractors at the trough.

‘SYRIA HERE WE COME’: Patrick Henningsen 2011 interview on THE ALEX JONES SHOW

Patrick Henningsen | Expect another civil war in Syria, with US-backed Jihadis heading in to fight Assad.

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