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What is NATO? What are they up around the world? Read our extensive archive of NATO activity and learn more about this globalist instrument of war...

NATO CRISIS? Russia Calls UN Security Council Meeting to Prevent Turkey’s Invasion of Syria

21WIRE | This is called taking it to the top, and the US is not at all happy about it.

Syrian Adviser on TV: ‘Turkey is Primary Cause of Conflict in Syria’

21WIRE | Turkey and Saudi Arabia are throwing diplomatic tantrums as Syrian Armed Forces and Russia repel their terrorists cells.

SYRIA REPORT: Russia Brokers Humanitarian Aid for Kafarya and Foua, Idlib Villages Under Terrorist Siege

Vanessa Beeley | Russian intervention in Syria has improved both military and Humanitarian situation.

Is the end near for ISIS in Syria? [POLL]

21WIRE Shout | A recent poll asks whether the days of ISIS are numbered. If so, has Russia made a difference? Vote, comment and share.

World War III – ‘The New Axis of Evil’

Storm Clouds Gathering | The alliances and proxies of the Syrian Front explained…

War Warning: Serious Grounds to Believe Turkey Planning Military Invasion of Syria

21WIRE | Russia now has serious concerns about Turkey’s actions on its border with Syria.

CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953

Wayne Madsen | A CIA operation to destabilize Ukraine, using exile Ukrainian agents in West, who were infiltrated into Soviet Ukraine.

‘Arrogant, Needy, Slow’ – British Military Report Blasts Own Generals for Afghan Failure

RT | “There is an underlying feeling that British command ‘arrogance’ hampered relationships and led to some frustrations on the ground.”

Sunnistan: US and Allied ‘Safe Zone’ Plan to Take Territorial Booty in Northern Syria

Patrick Henningsen | If the Syrian conflict has been good for one thing, it’s that the scripted western narrative has finally hit the wall of truth.

Putin: ‘A Generation of Doing Everything Wrong’

Stephen Lendman | As the west drifts into Imperium, Russia is advocating for international law.

Avaaz: The West’s Online Pro-War Propaganda And Color Revolution NGO

Brandon Turbeville | Avaaz has been instrumental in providing online propaganda in aid of terrorists and color revolutionaries in Syria.

ANOTHER NATO SCAM: West Largely Silent About Erdogan’s War on Kurds

Stephen Lendman | Turkey’s Sultan Erdogan is has used his own fabricated “ISIS Crisis” as cover to systematically eliminate the Kurdish opposition to his totalitarian rule.

Foreign Weapons, Fighters and Agenda: Syria’s War is Not a Civil War – It Never Was

Ulson Gunnar | Here’s the rub: how to settle a civil war that doesn’t exist?

Iraqi MP: Turkey Continues Supporting ISIL, Provides Safe Haven for Terrorists Operating in Iraq

Fars News | NATO continues to turn a blind eye to its member state providing aid, comfort and material support for terrorism.

Episode #115 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘2015 COMPENDIUM’ with host Patrick Henningsen

SUNDAY WIRE | A look back at the top news and conspiracies of 2015, and look ahead at what’s in store for your brave new 2016.

U.S. Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson: US Chemical Weapon Claim Against Syria’s Assad Was ‘Bull’

21WIRE + TeleSUR English | Another high-ranking official blows the lid on the scale of killing, torture and mass corruption inside the US military.

U-Turn? Kerry Now Says: ‘U.S. NOT Seeking Regime Change in Syria’

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | What? Is the US really backing down on ‘regime change’ for Syria?

Mafia State: Turkish MP Now Faces ‘Treason’ Charges For Revealing How ISIS Used Turkey For Smuggling Chemical Weapons

21WIRE + RT | What will Washington, London and Paris do now? Deny, ignore, or act?

GLADIO GOES GLOBAL: Gangs and Counter Gangs in Europe, Northern Ireland, Iraq and now in Syria

21WIRE | To understand today’s geopolitical chaos, we must first understand the methods used to destabilize us both at home, and abroad.

SYRIA: ‘NATO’s Secret War’ with Russia – What You’re Not Told by the BBC or MPs

Indy Media | An excellent round table discussion this week – about a subject too complex, too deep for the mainstream media.

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