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What is NATO? What are they up around the world? Read our extensive archive of NATO activity and learn more about this globalist instrument of war...

SPECIAL REPORT: ISIS Oil? Follow the Money (Back to Europe)

Randy Johnson | Beyond the ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ narratives, are the business deals that draw borders and make history.

Debate: The Syria Chessboard

CrossTalk | Washington and London’s obsession with regime change in Syria is ensuring the survival of ISIS.

A Letter to UK Parliament – ‘Stop This Dirty War in Syria’

Concerned About Our Future | MPs: Don’t be on the wrong side of history this Wednesday.

Rogue Action: US-Led ‘Coalition’ Has No International Legal Basis For Airstrikes in Syria

Sharmine Narwari | In reality, the US and its allies have no legal basis for bombing in Syria.

EU Blitzkrieg: Germany Now Wants 1,200 Troops Deployed to Fight ISIS – in Syria

21WIRE | Germany, Britain and France’s rush to get their military assets positioned in the Middle East will make EU Army declaration a fait accompli.

Turkey-NATO Crisis Sets Scene For Europe’s New ‘EU Army’

Patrick Henningsen | There are no coincidences in geopolitics. The ‘Road to Damascus’ leads right back to Brussels.

Obama Pardons The Turkey – TOTUS is NATO’s Turkey Too

21WIRE | Three turkeys were spared this Thanksgiving Evening in the White House Rose Garden.

Turkey: We Had Absolutely No Idea It Was A Russian Jet! (Seriously.)

Stuart J. Hooper | Consider Turkey whipped by NATO after this reckless act of aggression.

US-NATO Launch New Proxy War Front in Crimea, Neo-Nazis Bomb Electrical Grid Causing National Blackouts

21WIRE + Counterpunch | Looks like Washington is keeping very, very busy these days.

As Obama Longs For ‘Paris Nights’, Russia Moves Missile Cruiser off Syrian Coast, Warns Turkey ‘There Are Consequences’

Patrick Henningsen | It’s just another in a long, never-ending series of geopolitical low-points in modern US diplomatic history.

‘Turkey Protects Terrorists on the Ground’: Patrick Henningsen speaks to RT International

RT International | Today’s events and Turkey’s aggressive move has nudged the major powers closer to global conflict.

VIDEO: ‘Moderate Rebels’ Attack Russian Rescue Helicopter Searching for Downed Pilots

21WIRE | Jihadi terrorists use American made TOW portable anti-tank missile launcher to destroy Russian helicopter.

Putin throws down the Gauntlet to Turkey’s Erdogan over downed Russian Jet

21WIRE | Putin: “Do they want NATO to serve the interests of ISIS?”

BREAKING: Russian Su-24 Fighter Bomber Shot Down By Turkey On Syrian Border

21WIRE | This is a potentially dangerous situation – one which NATO appears to be trying to ignite an international incident.

GLADIO Goes ‘Full-Retard’: Belgian Hive Mind Sees Residents ‘Fight Terror’ By Tweeting Pics of Cats

21WIRE | This is the most pathetic attempt yet to cultivate a sheep-like mentality, herding the public into the establishment’s over-the-top ‘security theatre’.

CNN ‘Source’ is ISIS Magazine – Claims a ‘Schweppes Bomb’ Brought Down Russian Airliner

Patrick Henningsen | Did you ever get the feeling you are living a in scene out of Terry Gilliam’s film Brazil?

Orwell’s Razor: All of 21WIRE’s predictions come true days after ‘Paris Attacks’

21WIRE | As it turns out, our analysis and predictions were incredibly accurate.

Paris: Prelude to WW3? ‘HUMANITY vs INSANITY’ host Ian Crane talks with Patrick Henningsen

Humanity vs Insanity | While the world remains obsessed on an “ISIS Conspiracy”, we investigate other very real scenarios.

Paris Attacks: 10 Reasons This Event Looks Like a False Flag Op

Makia Freeman | This has all the appearances of a manufactured crisis and a false flag operation.

Globalist Racketeering: Gearóid Ó Colmáin Reveals the Deep State Agenda Behind the Paris Attacks

Gearóid Ó Colmáin | ‘Saying the unsayable’ might be unpopular in mainstream public discourse, but it needs to happen now.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue