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War Warning: Serious Grounds to Believe Turkey Planning Military Invasion of Syria

21st Century Wire says…

Are things about to go from bad to worse in the Syrian crisis?

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Russian Major General Igor Konashenkov has announced that Russia now has ‘serious grounds’ to believe Turkey is preparing an illegal ground invasion of Syria:

“We have serious grounds to suspect intensive preparations by Turkey for a military invasion on the territory of the sovereign state of Syria,”

“We are recording more and more signs of concealed preparations by the Turkish military,”

“We are surprised that the talkative representatives of the Pentagon, NATO and numerous organizations allegedly protecting human rights in Syria, despite our call to respond to these actions, still remain silent,”

“Such steps carried out by a country, which is a NATO member state, in no way contribute to the strengthening of trust and security in Europe.”

Turkey also recently denied a Russian request to fly a surveillance aircraft over the Turkish-Syrian border, which Konashenkov calls “a dangerous precedent and an attempt to conceal illegal military activity near the border with Syria.”

The Major General added that, “if someone in Ankara thinks that the cancelation of the flight by the Russian observers will enable hiding something then they’re unprofessional.”

If Turkey is planning to invade Syria they will probably look to Israel for help, as the two countries seek to establish oil and gas pipelines through Syrian territory. It is well documented that Turkey has already been working with ISIS to smuggle stolen oil out of Syria.

The Turks already shot down a Russian jet in a ruthless act of aggression, so it would not be surprising if they looked to escalate things further. In response, Russia deployed its S-400 missile system, meaning it will not take long for things to spiral out of control should Turkey choose to invade.

Are we closer to World War III than ever before?

READ MORE ON THE SYRIAN CRISIS: 21st Century Wire Syria Files



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