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Browse this curated archive of CIA related articles, stories, and films, detailing the various clandestine operations and schemes carried out by corporate America's own private secret intelligence and international criminal racketeering arm... 

America’s Chemical Farce: More ‘Evidence’ in Syria Only Leads to More Questions

Yossef Bodansky | Would a head of state and his cabinet lie in public in order to influence mass opinion in favour for war?

Obama Exports Fast and Furious: CIA Already Delivering Weapons to ‘Rebels’ in Syria

21WIRE + WP | Whether it’s in Syria, Africa or Arizona, trafficking arms to non-state militias and terrorist groups should not be allowed to happen.

US, Britain Had Foreknowledge of Aug 2013 False Flag ‘Chemical Attack’ in Syria

21WIRE + Global Research | It appears now that the US, Britain and its allies have been lying to the public about recent events in Syria.

‘Skull & Bones’ John Kerry fails to provide key evidence in Syria

21Wire + RT | John Kerry has had long sordid history of supporting unwarranted conflict in the Middle East.

Israeli Security Academy Training Agent Provocateurs?

21WIRE | Arabs have been training at a dubious institution known as the International Security Academy.

Mountain of Docs: Journalist Glenn Greenwald sitting on 20,000 Snowden leaked documents

21WIRE + RT | Amazing amount of documents, but we’re still left wondering who really works for who?

Jihadi Jail Break: Over 2,000 Taliban and al Qaeda sprung promping ‘new global terror threat’

21st Century Wire | Coincidence? We don’t think so…

Florida drone crash sheds light on dangerous program

21WIRE + RT | Between operational malfunctions of drones and they’re undeclared guidelines of use, we see a slippery slope for the future of the surveillance community.

John Kiriakou – CIA Whistleblower Describes Fed Prison & Being Denied Treatment

21WIRE + The Dissenter | Some call it a chilling effect, but we’ll call state intimidation.

Manufacturing Terror: Another ‘Underwear Bomber’ – Working for CIA

21WIRE + Guardian | How many careers depend on this synthetic narrative to continue?

US caught using NSA to spy on Brazil’s military and collect commercial secrets

21WIRE + RT | US has been caught using its multi-billion dollar tax payer-funded digital monster, the NSA, to spy the whole of South America.

Digging up the Dead: Bin Laden raid files ‘buried’ by CIA to avoid public scrutiny

21WIRE+RT | The files of the Bin Laden raid will join the files of 9/11, redacted and buried.

Whistleblower General Cartwright: demonized by a criminal US government

21WIRE+RT | General Cartwright did the right thing, and is treated like a criminal – by a criminal government.

Beyond Snowden: US General Cartwright has been indicted for espionage

Thierry Meyssan | ‘Obama’s General’ James Cartwright now faces prosecution for blowing the whistle on the President’s Stuxnet and Flame viruses.

Snowden: An exercise in disinformation

Stuart J. Hooper | Many have embraced Edward Snowden as a ‘hero’, but his story is much deeper than that.

NSA whistleblower Snowden supported Ron Paul’s presidential campaign

21st Century Wire | The PR spin cycle around Snowden is just beginning to hit ‘extra rinse’…

Our Assessment: Psychopaths Rule The World

21st Century Wire | It is a good deal more than hypocrisy, when psychopaths rule the world…

RT Op-Edge: Why Obama’s ‘red line’ in Syria has turned pink

RT Op-Edge | The chemical weapons crowd in Washington and London are now on very shaky ground indeed.

Tsarnaev Wife Katherine Russell and Her Skull and Bones, CIA Family Connections

21st Century Wire | These are not mere coincidences – these are the most well-connected people you can imagine.

C.I.A. Games: Myanmar morphs to US-China battlefield

Asia Times | The C.I.A. are working to keep China out of business in Myanmar – cutting off its vital economic and strategic importance, including access to mining for copper and rare earth minerals.

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