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Obama Exports Fast and Furious: CIA Already Delivering Weapons to ‘Rebels’ in Syria

21st Century Wire says…

While President Obama and John Kerry carry on with their macabre ‘humanitarian’ poker game, and with Russia its measured geopolitical chess game, it is now confirmed that from at least August 29th – the White House has already begun shipping arms and other military aid to the Syrian ‘rebel’ insurgency.

This latest revelation only confirms what many had already suspected for some time – that regardless of what the American public or their elected representatives think or say regarding military intervention, that the US will still be illegally running guns to their opposition in Syria in order to further destabilise the country and try to force a regime change there.

US officials and elected leaders are not shy about disclosing their activities and intentions regarding this program.

Mark S. Ward, the State Department’s senior adviser on assistance to Syria boasted to the Washington Post (see full article below), “This doesn’t only lead to a more effective force, but it increases its ability to hold coalition groups together.”

In addition to John McCain, other US politicians have also pledged their loyalty to rebel commander Gen. Salim Idriss in Syria. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) gushed that he felt embarrassed when he met with Syrians in the field just three weeks ago.

“It was humiliating (…)… The president had announced that we would be providing lethal aid, and not a drop of it had begun. They were very short on ammunition, and the weapons had not begun to flow.”

IMAGE: al Qaeda’s foreign terrorists gangs in Syria will most certainly benefit from US gun-running into the country.

Bent politicians like John McCain and Lindsey Graham, along with their partners Barack Obama, John Kerry and the architect of the Syrian war Hillary Clinton, have been trying to convince the American people and the world, that they only want to arm the ‘moderate opposition’ in Syria, even though it is well-known that the dominant fighting groups within the opposition confab are in fact violent terrorist gangs like al Nusra and other al Qaeda gangs.

The opposition have also targeted civilians and are known to running kidnapping, extortion, a black market on essentials like food, fuel and transport, as well as property theft rackets throughout Syria.

Even as the debate rages on over the table, there is an obvious double standard with the political elite in Washington DC, who feels it cannot be stopped from engaging in warfare under the table through its Central Intelligence Agency. In essence, the US has already declared war on Syria. Men and women in Washington, as well as their corporate media counterparts, seem to believe that certain activities like gun-running are legal – so long as they are carried out through clandestine government programs and agencies. This type of backward thinking risks a wider war, and also compromises America’s already tarnished status as a moral arbitrator on the global diplomatic scene.

The very same hypocrisy goes for the deployment of US and British special forces in Jordan, Turkey – and inside Syria, who have been liasing, training and some cases fighting, alongside the armed insurgency. In addition to these, many American and British private military contractors are also known to be operating inside Syria.

Fast & Furious – Arabian Style

The Obama Administration is no stranger to illegal gun-running. One cannot help but see the parallels between this illegal CIA gun-running operation in Syria and the White House’s notorious Operation Fast and Furious which saw members of the Department of Justice, Homeland Security and the BATF conspire to flood America’s southern border regions with illegally purchased fire arms used by Mexican drug cartel gangs to kill US border patrol agents and law enforcement personnel.

Whether it’s in Syria, Africa or Arizona, trafficking arms to non-state militias and terrorist groups should not be allowed to happen – over the table, or under the table. Either way, it’s illegal. Those involved and those politicians sanctioning such clandestine activity should be stopped from doing so, and brought to book for their crimes. Otherwise, the US Federal government is simply engineering a level of lawlessness which certainly leads to more innocent deaths.

It’s also worth reminding readers here, that US taxpayers are paying for Washington DC’s gun-running into Syria…

U.S. weapons reaching Syrian rebels

Ernesto Londoño and Greg Miller
Washington Post

The CIA has begun delivering weapons to rebels in Syria, ending months of delay in lethal aid that had been promised by the Obama administration, according to U.S. officials and Syrian figures.

The shipments began streaming into the country over the past two weeks, along with separate deliveries by the State Department of vehicles and other gear — a flow of material that marks a major escalation of the U.S. role in Syria’s civil war.

The arms shipments, which are limited to light weapons and other munitions that can be tracked, began arriving in Syria at a moment of heightened tensions over threats by President Obama to order missile strikes to punish the regime of Bashar al-Assad for his alleged use of chemical weapons in a deadly attack near Damascus last month.

The arms are being delivered as the United States is also shipping new types of nonlethal gear to rebels. That aid includes vehicles, sophisticated communications equipment and advanced combat medical kits.

U.S. officials hope that, taken together, the weapons and gear will boost the profile and prowess of rebel fighters in a conflict that started about 21 / 2 years ago.

Although the Obama administration signaled months ago that it would increase aid to Syrian rebels, the efforts have lagged because of the logistical challenges involved in delivering equipment in a war zone and officials’ fears that any assistance could wind up in the hands of jihadists. Secretary of State John F. Kerry had promised in April that the nonlethal aid would start flowing “in a matter of weeks.”

The delays prompted several senior U.S. lawmakers to chide the Obama administration for not moving more quickly to aid the Syrian opposition after promising lethal assistance in June. The criticism has grown louder amid the debate over whether Washington should use military force against the Syrian regime, with some lawmakers withholding support until the administration committed to providing the rebels with more assistance.

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who has pressed the Obama administration to do more to help the rebels, said he felt embarrassed when he met with Syrians along the Turkish border three weeks ago.

“It was humiliating,” he said in an interview Wednesday night. “The president had announced that we would be providing lethal aid, and not a drop of it had begun. They were very short on ammunition, and the weapons had not begun to flow.”

Read more at Washington Post

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