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International News Archive

NATO at 70: The Time Has Come to Retire This Alliance

Sheila Coombes | NATO has celebrated its 70th Birthday in London this week – an anniversary which should’ve have been reached.  

INTERVIEW: Andre Vltchek on Uprisings in Chile, Colombia and Bolivia

21WIRE | Analyzing the new emerging US-led neocolonial strategy to divide and conquer the continent of South America.

Journalist Exposes BBC Propaganda in Ukraine, Crimea and Beyond

Graham Phillips | Is the BBC really an impartial news outlet? We’ll let you be the judge of that…

INTERVIEW: Dr Lissa Johnson on Perilous of Health of Julian Assange

21WIRE | Discussing the current perilous predicament of the WikiLeaks founder, facing a real risk of death in custody.

NATO Summit: UK Police Block Access and Detain Ruptly Producer Under ‘Terrorism Act’

21WIRE | A dangerous precedent may have been set yesterday, as UK authorities openly intimidate a Russian news agency journalist.

Turkey’s 6th Religious Council: The Dawn of a Sharia-compliant New Turkey

Dr Can Erimtan | With the approaching centennial of the Republic’s foundation, Turkey’s AKP-led government is closer than ever to realising its vision of a new Islamic state in Turkey.

Dying Inside: Assange’s Life is Threatened by British State’s Legal Deception

Nina Cross | If the British state does not stop its systematic abuse of Assange, then it will make history, albeit for all the wrong reasons.

Empty Planet: The World’s Shrinking Population

The Agenda | Why isn’t anyone talking about challenges posed by a global population decline?

Episode #304 – ‘What the Experts Won’t Tell You’ + guest Basil Valentine and more

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…


Andre Vltchek | A country still searching for answers: what kind of Lebanon can replace this present, inefficient, and corrupt state?

UN Syria Shenanigans, OPCW Email Leak, AFP #RussiaGate Fumble

UKC News | Now look who’s lecturing who on lying to the public about Syria.

65 Doctors Draft Open Letter Warning British Authorities Assange May Die in Detention

21WIRE | An international group of doctors have notified British authorities that the health of Julian Assange has reached a critical sage.

Pilger: The Lies About Assange Must Stop Now

John Pilger | A coordinated campaign of disinformation has been waged against the WikiLeaks founder, obscuring a direct assault on human rights and freedom of the press.

Episode #303 – ‘Imperial À la Carte’ with guests Lissa Johnson, Andre Vltchek and more

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Global Magnitsky: Will UK Join US in Sanctions Against Venezuela Post Brexit?

Nina Cross | The UK are preparing to fall in line with Washington policy of economic warfare against target nations, designed to divide and conquer the continent of South America.

INTERVIEW: Andre Vltchek on Location in Chile’s Uprising

21WIRE | Will Chile realize its potential as a democratic and prosperous independent state?

HTS Terrorists Intensity Attacks on Aleppo’s Residential Neighborhoods

21WIRE | US and Turkish-backed terrorists in Syria continue indiscriminate shelling of residential areas in Aleppo.

LATEST: Israeli PM Netanyahu Charged with Bribery, Fraud and Breach of Trust

21WIRE | Israeli leader denies all wrongdoing, claims he’s the victim of political ‘witch hunt.’

NEW REPORT: Evidence of Turkey’s War Crimes in Syria and ISIS Members Within its Ranks

Khaled Iskef | Available evidence suggests NATO member Turkey has committed war crimes in Syria, and is employing known terrorists under the banner of its armed forces.

Facts Now Reveal How OAS Lied About Bolivian ‘Election Irregularities’

Mark Weisbot | Confirmed: Washington’s colonial arm lied to the public about elections and worked to cover-up the ensuing coup.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue