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The gobal economy and the money that powers it are changing faster than any other time in history. Visit Financial news archive for a wide range of news and analysis on the state of the global economy, energy markets, banking, fiat currency, Big Tech, Bitcoin, the Great Reset, CBDCs, and sanctions. All this and more...

Money in politics drives up U.S. to top of international corruption index

21WIRE + Sunlight Foundation | Corruption amounts to a dirty tax, and the poor and most vulnerable are its primary victims.

Legal Fraud in Banksterland: Rehypothecation of Collateral

James Hall | Oh dear. This is how you have become the unsecured creditor of your own assets.

Breaking The Chains: Our Financial System is Pulling Us Down

Jason Liosatos | Most people have no savings and are in debt to credit cards, loans, and mortgages.

Whistleblower Karen Hudes: ‘How The Global Elite Rule The World’

21WIRE + Economic Collapse | Who really rules the world? Let’s find out…

Obama meets with Goldman Sachs for new line of credit – in violation of US law

21st Century Wire | Obama’s secret meeting with bankers: what did he give away in return for a quick payday loan?

You’re Being Robbed (and you don’t even know it)

21WIRE + Mail Online | The money pickpocketed from savings and wages through this cunning attack is used to pay off the nation’s debtors, including our own Government.

Cyprus: President Anastasiades announces ‘Guaranteed Minimum Income’ for all citizens

Cyprus Mail | Problem, reaction, solution…

Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Forces US Court Ruling Declaring it a ‘Real Currency’

21WIRE + RT | A Bernie Madoff protégé from East Texas managed to dupe a lot of Bitcoin lovers…

Senator Warren: ‘Profits from student loans are obscene’

21WIRE + WP | The federal government will make $51 billion in profits off student loans.

Marc Faber: ‘This will end in disaster’

King World News | The sage of economic boom and gloom speaks…and it’s not a pretty picture.

Moody’s downgrades Hong Kong over Snowden: Is ratings agency a political arm of US?

21st Century Wire | What happens when international finance goes fully political? History tells us that a world war beckons.

Trans Pacific Partnership & RIMPAC: Is The Pivot To Asia About Corporate Control?

Shawn Helton | The world has become a prison of asymmetrical war, resource grabbing and corporate controllers.

3-D Printing: The Antidote to Globalist Slave Labor in China and India?

21WIRE | Something that Americans and Europeans in particular take for granted every minute of their lives.

Michelle Obama prepares university grads for job disappointment

21st Century Wire | Getting us used to expecting that much less…

‘White House Attacked, Obama Injured’ AP Tweet Hoax Crashes US Stock Market

21st Century Wire | America on edge from Boston, an easy target for this hoax that maybe netted millions…

Obama Quietly Passed Law Making Insider Trading Easier for US Politicians

Patrick Henningsen | One set of rules for us, and another set of rules for them.

LEAKED: Offshore Accounts Exposing The Rich & Mighty

RT | Part of the trillions of dollars hidden in tax havens by the world’s most powerful and influential figures – could soon be a matter of public knowledge.

US Dollar? Thanks, But No Thanks: Australia and China to Enable ‘Direct Currency Convertibility’

Zero Hedge | This could send shockwaves through the halls of the Federal Reserve Banking headquarters…

Bitcoin and Instawallet Hacked: Price Shows Bubble Behavior Thursday, Recovers on Friday

21st Century Wire | Bitcoin showed some volatility before the weekend amid reports of denial of service…

Is Murdoch’s media trying to scare people away from using Bitcoins?

Sky News | Sky News trying to scare people away from using Bitcoins. Oh no, it’s unregulated!

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