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INTERVIEW: Miles of Truth – ‘De-Dollarization & Multipolar World Order’

TNT Radio | Is the writing on the wall for the US dollar as a world reserve currency?

North Korea ‘Threat’ Makes U.S. Warmakers Profitable, While China Continues Financial Ascendancy

21WIRE | The North Korea ‘Threat’ is profitable to the U.S. military industry, but the real target is China.

Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Forces US Court Ruling Declaring it a ‘Real Currency’

21WIRE + RT | A Bernie Madoff protégé from East Texas managed to dupe a lot of Bitcoin lovers…

US Dollar? Thanks, But No Thanks: Australia and China to Enable ‘Direct Currency Convertibility’

Zero Hedge | This could send shockwaves through the halls of the Federal Reserve Banking headquarters…

The Beginning of the End for the U.S. Dollar as ‘World Reserve Currency’

Michael Payne | It’s certainly no surprise that China, widely considered to be the premier economic power of the future, is wasting no time exerting its growing power

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