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DISMISSED: Trump Fires Scandal Plagued FBI Director James Comey – What Does It Mean?

21WIRE + RT | The White House dismisses controversial FBI director James Comey.

SYRIAN CRISIS: Western Military Intervention Compromised After White Helmets ‘Sarin’ Scam

Shawn Helton + UK Column | What’s really behind the sarin story out of Syria and where is the Syrian conflict headed?

WMD FALLOUT: MIT Analysis Blows a Hole in Washington’s Sarin Attack Story – Once Again

Shawn Helton + Moon of Alabama | Is the world once again at the precipice of a chemical weapons fabrication?

Russia-Gate Was All the Rage Across US Media – Where Did it Go and Why?

21WIRE + Robert Parry | Russia-gate was incessantly pushed by US media only to disappear after the highly questionable chemical attack in the Idlib province of Syria and two US strikes.

WAR THEATER: Was the Syrian Chemical Attack Staged?

21WIRE + Bloomberg | Did the Western establishment get things wrong once again?

FRAMING SYRIA? Chemical Attack Evidence Lacking, Putin Warns Of ‘False Flags’ – MIT Professor Says Report Not Correct

21WIRE + Robert Parry | Declassified US intelligence cites a ‘pro-opposition’ group on social media as its primary source of the alleged chemical attack.

Episode #180 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Syria Under Fire’ with guests Hanin Elias and Steven Sahiounie

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world..

WITHOUT PROOF: Washington’s ‘Gaslighting’ Over Syrian Chemical Attack Propels US Missile Strikes

Shawn Helton | Did Washington and Western media ‘gaslight’ the public over the Syrian chemical attack claims in order to reboot its regime change operation?

SPRING CLEANING: New Wikileaks Vault 7 Release Claims CIA’s ‘Marble’ Disguises Hacking as Other Nations

21WIRE + ZERO HEDGE | The CIA’s ‘anti-forensic’ Marble Framework could be used to mask government hacking.

NEVER BEFORE SEEN: FBI Trove of 9/11 Pentagon Photos Refuels Conspiracy Suspicions

21WIRE + Free Thought Project | The FBI have refueled old conspiracy suspicions hidden in plain sight.

NEW TWIST: MI5 Known Wolf Attacker Khalid Masood ‘No Extremist Tendencies’ & No Link to Terror

21WIRE + The Guardian | A new turn of events in the London attack narrative.

SHADES OF GLADIO? London Attacker ‘Known’ to MI5 – Police Terror Drill Days Before

Shawn Helton | Though many are still reeling in the wake of the London tragedy – key questions have emerged following this latest act of terror.

Billionaire ‘Bilderberger’ David Rockefeller dead at 101

21WIRE + RT | The controversial banker David Rockefeller has died at 101.

Secret Service Laptop Reportedly ‘Stolen’ had Trump Tower Layout and Clinton Email Probe Details

21WIRE + DAILY NEWS | In this age of America’s new and improved trial by media format, you can expect a litany of unfounded accusations.

CLOAKED ORDER: Who’s Really Behind ‘New Authority’ for CIA Drone Strikes?

21WIRE + WSJ | What’s behind the ‘new’ drone strike authority given to the CIA?

BIGGER THAN SNOWDEN: Wikileaks ‘Vault 7’ Classified CIA leak – What Does It Mean?

Shawn Helton | The single largest classified intelligence leak in history poses some big questions.

MOCKINGBIRD MIRROR: Declassified Docs Depict Deeper Link Between the CIA and American Media

21WIRE + Washington’s Blog | The influence of US intelligence agencies on mainstream news outlets continues to be unmasked.

STOCKHOLM STUDY: US & Europe Top Arms Trade Globally – Saudi Arabia’s Weapons Imports Skyrocket Over 200 Percent

21WIRE + RT | The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reported an 86 percent upsurge in arms imports to Middle Eastern countries over the past decade.

FAKE NEWS WEEK: Government & Mainstream Media’s ‘Wag the Dog’ War on Reality

Shawn Helton | Dubious government intelligence and mainstream media approved ‘fake news’ has fueled decades of Western-backed conflict from Iraq to Syria.

OPEN SOCIETY: Soros-backed, Anti-Trump Immigration Protests ‘Sprung from Nowhere’ at Airports Across America

21WIRE + PJ Media | Soros linked protests emerge ‘out of nowhere’ following President Donald Trump’s executive order concerning travel bans.

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