Alternate Current Radio | The ACR Mind-Trust is back with another Boiler Room discussing Syria, the VA Congressional Baseball Shooter, asking babies for permission to parent them and the Grenfell Tower Fire.
Boiler Room EP #112 – UK Election, Omran & Technocratic Tech
Alternate Current Radio | ACR’s Brain-trust returns for the weekly Boil-Down of events. Join Hesher, Spore, Miles, Randy, Basil and the gang on ACR!
Boiler Room EP #111 – Build-a-World-Order-Burger
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki, Basil Valentine, Randy J & FunkS0ul discuss Builderberg, withdrawal from Paris Climate Deal, Noriega and more.
Boiler Room EP #110 – A Deeper Game: Masters of Chaos Strike Again
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Basil Valentine & FunkSoul discussing Trump’s Middle East trip and the Manchester terror event.
Boiler Room EP #109 – It’s a Wonderfull Life
Boiler Room | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki, Randy J & FunkSoul discussing Seth Rich, Chris Cornell, Serial Killers, Deep State assassinations and more.
Boiler Room #108 – Who’d Win in a Fight? Boiler Room vs. Hitler vs. Dracula
Alternate Current Radio | The ACR Brain-trust returns for their weekly round table discussion with Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki, Randy J and FunkSoul.
Boiler Room #106 – Did Israel Attack Damascus? + Bill Nye The PsyOp Guy
Boiler Room | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Patrick Henningsen, Andy Nowicki and Randy J fire up the ACR brain-trust & talk Damascus missile attack, North Korea and Bill Nye Psyop Guy.
SYRIA: Several Large Explosions & Fire Reported Near Damascus Int’l Airport
21WIRE + RT | Explosions and fire reported near Damascus International Airport. Stay tuned for updates from 21WIRE in Damascus.
Boiler Room #105 – Quantum Swamp Chess
Alternate Current Radio | Boiler Room returns with another meeting of the ACR Brain-trust with Hesher, Spore, Daniel Spaulding, FunkSoul, Randy J, Andy Nowicki and Infidel Pharaoh
Boiler Room #104 – War Sells… But Who’s Buying
Boiler Room | Trump/NATO strikes Syria over unproven chemical attacks, resurrecting the lies of Obama’s ‘Red Line.’ Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Patrick Henningsen, Andy Nowicki and Infidel Pharaoh.
Boiler Room #103 – Smoking Gunz
Alternate Current Radio | The ACR ‘brain-trust’ meets once again for this March 30th Live broadcast of Boiler Room on ACR, with Hesher, Spore, Andy, Funk, Randy, Stewart & Daniel.
Boiler Room #102 – Tales From The Black Pill
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Andy, Stewart and FunkSoul check in for the weekly meeting of the minds at ACR. Identity politics fatal to health, the London attacks and more.
Boiler Room #101 – St. Patrick’s Cyber-pocalypse with John McAfee
Alternate Current Radio | John McAfee joins for a chat about Vault 7, cyber warfare, hacking and privacy on Boiler Room with Hesher, Randy J, Stewart Howe, Spore, Funksoul & Andy Nowicki.
Boiler Room #100.2 – Part Duh! Wire Tapped, Reality For Sale & Conspiracy Theorist Swag
Boiler Room | The Boiler gang is cooking up more of the unlikely alchemical talk radio on ACR with Hesher, Spore, Basil Valentine, Daniel Spaulding and FunkS0ul discussing, Syria, reality for sale and the new conspiracy theorist chić of the left.
Boiler Room #100 – An Unlikely Alchemy
Boiler Room | The Boiler gang is discussing the latest gobblie-gook and hubbub on the interwebz and the lame stream-media.
Trump Rally In Austin TX – Protesters Largely Outnumbered by Trump Supporters
21WIRE | Pro Trump rally in rainy Austin TX: Peaceful Trump supporters greatly outnumber protesters. Brief scuffle over a flag instigated by anti Trump protester caught on video.
Boiler Room #99 – Almost to 100!
Boiler Room | The Boiler gang is discussing the latest gobblie-gook and hubbub on the interwebz and the lame stream-media.
Episode #174 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Fake News’ Week In Review
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
Boiler Room #97 – Mermaids and Swamp Life
Alternate Current Radio | The Boiler gang is discussing the latest on Trump, immigration, cultural warfare, media psyops, virtual reality, brexit, trans humanism, Bundy Ranch trial and more.
Boiler Room #96 – The Great Lobster Degeneracy & The Art of Debate
Alternate Current Radio | Join Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki, Stewart Howe and Randy J, for the 96th episode of Boiler Room. Show starts 30 minutes early today and is followed by a special broadcast live debate between Jay Dyer and Adam Kokesh.