21WIRE + RT | The Louvre museum in Paris has been cordoned off after a French soldier opened fire on an attacker, wounding him, local media report.
Boiler Room #95 – Weapons of Mass Penetration
Alternate Current Radio | BOILER ROOM recording LIVE Feb 2nd with Hosts Hesher & Spore along with Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki and the rest of the ACR brain trust.
Boiler Room #94 – President Trump & The Great Neo-Liberal Freakout of 2017
Boiler Room | BOILER ROOM Gang breaking down Anti-fa assault on Richard Spenser, Trump’s first week in office and the outlandish behavior of the Neo-Liberal left after the nation rejected their identity politics and PC culture.
Boiler Room #92 – The (Hollywood) Hills Have Eyes
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Stewart Howe and Andy Nowicki breaking down Trump calling CNN Fake News, taking Big Pharma down a notch on wall street and more.
Boiler Room #91 – The Swear Jar Overfloweth
Alternate Current Radio | The ACR “Brain-trust” returns for the first BOILER ROOM of 2017, Chicago torture case, movie reviews and Syria are covered.
Boiler Room #90 – Downtown Brown and The Loss & Curse of Celebrity
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Basil Valentine and Stewart Howe drop into the ACR mind meld zone on Boiler Room.
Boiler Room EP #87
Alternate Current Radio | BOILER ROOM is back for its 87th episode on its new day for LIVE shows, Thursdays on ACR, with all your favorite political animals.
Boiler Room EP #86 – Kek Comes To Pizzatown
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Patrick H, Stewart H, Daniel S, Randy J mull over pizzagate, the liberation of Eastern Aleppo and the access pipeline dispute in the Dakotas.
Boiler Room EP #85.5 – Who’s Watching The Watchers?
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher and Randy J break down the underlying themes and read between the lines with regards to the machinations of the deep state elements and the intent of the House Oversight Committee.
Boiler Room EP #85 – The Return of the Social Rejects Club
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Daniel S, Andy N and Jay D boiling up some Boiler Room banter for the 85th edition of ACRs top uninterruptible talk radio show.
Boiler Room EP #84 – The Discredited Media Strikes Back
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki & Daniel Spaulding discuss the fading credibility & tantrums of the mainstream media.
Boiler Room EP #83 – Wouldn’t It Be Nice…
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Daniel Spaulding & Stewart Howe breaking down the pros and potential cons of the historic selection of President Elect Donald J. Trump.
Boiler Room EP #82 – Mind-boggling Collusion
Alternate Current Radio | Hesh, Spore, Jay Dyer, Daniel S. and Andy N. bring the final Boiler Room before the Presidential Election, analyze the news stream and make election predictions.
Boiler Room EP #81 – Halloween Fireside Book of Suspense Vol. 1
Alternate Current Radio | Halloween special broadcast with the Boiler gang, on Horror Movies, Ghost Stories and Horror News.
Boiler Room EP #80 – Heads They Win, Tails You Lose
Alternate Current Radio | Hesh, Spore, Dyer, Spaulding, Howe and Randy J. bringing their special brand of current events analysis from ACR & the Boiler crew
Boiler Room EP #78
Alternate Current Radio | Boiler Room on ACR with Hesher, Spore, Stewart H., Daniel Spaulding and Randy J
Boiler Room EP #77 – The Venom of Divide and Rule
Alternate Current Radio | ACR presents another episode of BOILER ROOM with Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki and Stewart Howe
Boiler Room EP #76 – Resign, Surrender, Confess!
Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Stewart Howe, Andy Nowicki & Daniel Spaulding, brewing up more uninterruptible talk radio on ACR
BOILER ROOM – Presidential Debate Simulcast Special
Alternate Current Radio | US Presidential Debate Special Event with Hesher, Spore, Stewart H and Randy J, live simulcasting the debate and a post debate wrap up analysis show