Keith B. Richburg Washington Post Dec 31, 2012 BEIJING — Chinese citizens were treated this year to an unaccustomed number of hard-hitting exposés and investigations detailing the private lives and corrupt financial dealings of the most senior Communist Party officials and their family members. Most of the reports have come from what one media expert […]
China Moves Cautiously on Foreign Media, but Signals Tighter Internet Control
New Petition: Ensure Sec of State Clinton Testifies to Events 9/11/2012 in Benghazi, Libya
21WIRE Xtra | To all Senators, Congressmen and Governors of these United States…
Senate Approves Measure to Renew Orwellian Surveillance Powers
Washington Post | “An open and democratic society like ours should not be governed by secret laws.”
More Baby P Schemes: Children Visiting A&E to Go on Database to ‘Spot Signs of Abuse’
David Icke says… “The prime motivation for this is not to protect children (if, only), it is to justify ever more children with loving parents being stolen by the State – the very State with a grotesque record of abusing children in ‘care’ and the covering up what happened – especially when it involves the rich […]
Surprise: UK Minister Accuses Israel of ‘War Crimes’ Over Planned Settlement Expansions
Dec 28, 2012 Conservative British Minister has suggested that the Israeli regime is a war criminal for planning expansion of illegal settlements in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) and conferring university status to a college in the illegal settlement of Ariel. The regime announced on December 24 that it is planning new illegal settlements in the Mordot […]
Codex Alimentarius and the NWO’s Agenda
21WIRE | The New World Order wants to reduce the world’s population to a level deemed by their elite committee as “sustainable”.
Protecting a Rotten Legacy: Blair’s War Crimes Blocking Iraq Inquiry
21WIRE | UK gov’t are stalling, and will not publish reports on Britain’s involvement in the Iraq war before the middle of 2013.
Revealed: Jesse Ventura Takes on MK ULTRA – The US Government’s Secret Mind Control Program
21WIRE + VT | Tens of millions have been turned into some of those who will watch the video, read these words and feel and think nothing.
Ponzi Crackdown? Chilling Economic Report Is Getting Passed Around By CEOs
Business Insider Dec 27, 2012 Over an early-morning coffee with the chief executive of an FTSE 100 business last week, talk turned to the outlook for 2013. Where I had expected some guarded optimism, instead I heard a chilling analysis. The CEO said he had been reading a new paper from Boston Consulting Group headed […]
China Opens World’s Longest High-Speed Rail Route This Week
The Independent | Trains on the latest high-speed line could reach speeds of 200 mph.
Chris Hedges on Obama’s NDAA: ‘The Final Battle’
Chris Hedges | As long as Obama and the leadership of both parties want the military to police our streets, we will fight.
The Quality of Washington’s Plan to Drag Iran Into a Third World War
21WIRE | US ‘expert’ is openly lobbying for a false flag attack in order to initiate war with Iran.
U.S. Plan to Sell Advanced Spy Drones to South Korea
Jim Wolf Washington Post Dec 27, 2012 WASHINGTON — The Obama administration formally proposed a controversial sale of advanced spy drones to help South Korea bear more of its defense from any attack by the heavily armed North. Seoul has requested a possible $1.2 billion sale of four Northrop Grumman RQ-4 “Global Hawk” remotely piloted aircraft […]
Sparkling Shame: Dollars Spent On Christmas Decor Could End Homeless Problem in US
21WIRE | Christmas is a multi-billion dollar industry.
Merry Christmas To All From 21st Century Wire
Déjà Vu – Martin Luther King On Our Wars Yesterday, And Today
In the epic Plato’s Republic, Thrasymachus attacked Socrates’ position that the idea justice is an inherent and equal right, claiming that it is just (by nature) that the strong rule over the weak. There are both men and women who seek and hold positions of power in our society – who subscribe to this very doctrine. A few short decades ago, Martin […]
Bad Form: Santa Claus Arrested in Austin, TX for Chalking on Sidewalk
21WIRE | Santa gets arrested again by Texas Rangers.
Henningsen on RT: ‘Iran in crosshairs’: UK may deploy more troops to Gulf
The United Arab Emirates is said to be close to ordering some 60 combat jets from the UK, and may be getting a contingent of British troops to sweeten the deal. British PM David Cameron told soldiers that they may be headed to the Gulf state as they pull out of Afghanistan. Rights groups though […]
The ‘Great Filter’ Theory: That Humans Have Already Conquered Threat of Extinction
George Dvorsky Dec 22, 0212 It’s difficult to not be pessimistic when considering humanity’s future prospects. Many people would agree that it’s more likely than not that we’ll eventually do ourselves in. And in fact, some astrobiologists theorize that all advanced civilizations hit the same insurmountable developmental wall we have. They call it the Great Filter. […]