Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
It’s not that big of a stretch, and you’d have to be in full avoidance mode not to look into it.
There seemed to be a bizarre, if not unnatural synergy between them, a correlation that appears to have escaped the authorities and the media, until now.
It’s known that Broadmoor’s esteemed patron, Sir Jimmy Savile, had befriended one Peter Sutcliffe, known as “The Yorkshire Ripper”, who was moved to the secure mental hospital in Berkshire following his mass murdering spree.

Jim’ll Fix it: Serial killer Peter Sutcliffe meeting with Frank Bruno, arranged by… Sir Jimmy Savile.
Sir Jim even fixed a meet-and-greet between the Ripper and boxing champ Frank Bruno at Broadmoor in 1991, when Big Frank came to open a boxing gym inside.
Pals Jim and Pete shared a passion for predatory, sadistic and violent sex practices. Nurses at Broadmoor can testify to hearing Sir Jim booming with laughter at the Ripper’s jokes coming from inside Sutcliffe’s cell.
But how did we miss this one: multiple murder crime scenes put Sutcliffe uncomfortably close to Savile at multiple locations in Leeds at the time of the murders – a realisation which places Sir Jimmy squarely in the frame with the Yorkshire Ripper.
According to the Sun’s Professor David Wilson, one of Britain’s top experts on serial killers, police must now investigate whether or not the pair’s unusual bond developed before Sutcliffe was caught. The Sun article explains:
“Another crime expert even thinks BBC star Savile could have turned killer himself in his craving for more and more perverted thrills.
And the family of Sutcliffe’s first victim are demanding that cops question the killer, now 66, to find out if Savile was involved in any of the 13 Ripper murders or helped cover them up.”
The newspapers pushing the envelope on the Savile-Sutcliffe connection this past weekend were the Sunday Sport, the Sun and others – with broadsheets staying mostly clear of the that angle.
There is also the assertion by the Sunday Sport that Jimmy Savile may be connected with the murder of Crimewatch’s Jill Dando, of whom it’s been said was threatening to expose Savile’s paedophile activities nationally at the time. If there is a link here, then the media should also revisit the show trial of Barry George, the mentally ill patsy who was originally charged with Dando’s killing, but was eventually acquitted for the murder in 2008.
Savile also boasted of his use of violence and links to IRA gangsters when filmed during Louis Theroux’s infamous BBC documentary.
More interestingly, however, is that the Sunday Sport and Sun’s revelations appear almost verbatim from an Oct 11th interview on the UK Column Live show – where award-winning filmmaker Bill Maloney of Pie and Mash Films had previously laid out out a damning case detailing the clear connection between Jimmy Savile and Peter Sutcliffe.
Maloney explains, “After the release of our documentary Sun Sea & Satan in 2008, a victim from Haut de la Garenne came forward with the names of Jimmy Savile and Wilfred Brambles (of Steptoe & Son). Later, in September 2012, a month before I did the UK Column Live interview with Brian Gerrish, I realized that there is horrendous information that the National press are not disclosing.”
Filmmaker Bill Maloney has been somewhat of a trailblazer in the arena of child abuse activism in the UK, through his personal crusade against chronic institutional child sex abuse throughout the UK, but most his work had fallen on deaf ears when it came to the mainstream media, until now.

Filmmaker Bill Maloney: knew about Savile long before the mainstream media and the BBC would admit it.
“We’re at the point now where the mainstream media is beginning to admit that the child abuse and paedophilia issue is not just about one man Jimmy Savile, but admitting to a wider systematic problem, because they’ve been forced into it by the alternative media such as ourselves”, says Maloney.
Among other revelations and connections, the Sun revealed that Sutcliffe victim Irene Richardson was killed in 1977 – only yards from where Jimmy Savile demanded oral sex from his paperboy, and another murder victim was knifed by the Ripper in front of Savile’s other Leeds home at the time.
Allegations first surfaced following the infamous ITV documentary where Savile sexually abused inmates at hospitals – to which Sir Jim had his own set of keys. This is crucial, as both Savile and Sutcliffe, it seems, shared their dark enthusiasm for necrophilia. So investigators might consider here, the uglier possibility that Sir Jim could be involved in multiple murders, perhaps even whilst on duty, roaming the halls of the infirmary, looking for – or worse, creating, a freshly deceased, and still ‘warm’ fix.
It’s safe to say that the mainstream media ignored much of the research carried out by the alternative media researchers like Bill Maloney who looked into crime scenes like Haut de la Garenne, and has not properly explored the links between serial predators like Savile and known serial killers like Sutcliffe.
Thus far, it’s the ‘tabloid press’ – namely the Mirror, Express, Sun, Daily Star, and Sunday Sport, who have taken on the more risky angles of this story, whereas editors at the Guardian, The Independent, Telegraph and Times have mostly stayed clear of dirty aspects of Savile like necrophilia, murder, and his affection for the Yorkshire Ripper. Perhaps they feel it’s too grim, and something reserved for the gutter press.
What is clear now, however, is that this is officially a national emergency which requires ‘all hands on deck’ from a press and media point of view.
But we have an even bigger theme now in play with the Savile-Sutcliffe link. If Savile is eventually linked to Sutcliffe or any other Savile murders turn up, then anyone who covered for Jimmy – including the BBC, would, in theory, be guilty, in theory, of aiding and abetting a mass murderer.
Everyone over the years it seems, the police, the press – even the great BBC, all covered for Jimmy Savile. Why?
Because he was a ‘fixer’.
Watch Bill Maloney’s harrowing documentary film, ‘Sun Sea and Satan’, bravely shot on corruption-ridden island of Jersey:
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