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Cameron Looks to China to Supply Europe’s First Internet Censorship Wall in Britain

21st Century Wire | The UK’s latest fabricated ‘crisis’ compels Cameron to roll out red carpet for Chinese Censorship Giant.

Beltway X Files: New Species of Deadly Reptilian Invertebrate Found in Washington DC

Patrick Henningsen | A rare new species of political animal has been discovered slithering around Capitol Hill.

Snowden Asylum Could Trigger US Sanctions Against Russia

21WIRE + AP | As usual, Lindsey Graham is leading the charge to send America over the cliff of morality and logic.

President Obama Puts Out a Contract on The Fourth Amendment

Norman Solomon | “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”

‘Obama’s plan to arm Syrian rebels means siding with Terrorists’ says Rand Paul

21WIRE + RT | Rand Paul standing up to the pro-al Qaeda retarded policy championed by Obama and John McCain.

President Trayvon? Exposing the ‘chain of fools’ following Barack Obama

Doctor of Common Sense | The Doctor of Common Sense, ET Williams, delivers an injection of reality into the myth of Barack Obama.

Royal Baby Scientific Stockholm Syndrome

21st Century Wire | The media are falling over themselves to celebrate German welfare tourists, Saxe Coburg-Gotha, who have delivered Britain’s future King.

Architect of NYC crime clean-up fraud is Obama’s top pick to head DHS

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Ray Kelly would be a good choice if you wanted to ramp up the police state in America.

Senator Warren: ‘Profits from student loans are obscene’

21WIRE + WP | The federal government will make $51 billion in profits off student loans.

Would you take a mandatory HIV test?

21st Century Wire | We’ve given you the facts. Now it’s time for you to give us your opinion.

Cameron and Hague can’t seem to agree on what to do in Syria

Telegraph | Assad’s recent sucess in flushing out foreign mercenary ‘rebels’ has UK quisling government leaders confused about their stance on Syria.

Study: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane, while government dupes are crazy and hostile

The Rebel | A series of academic studies reveal how anti-conspiracy commenters behave irrationally, often displaying anger and hostility when challenged with an alternative view.

Race War on Twitter: Trayvon Martin supporters campaign to ‘Behead Zimmerman’

21WIRE + Examiner | Latest string of death threats to Zimmerman show the double standard that exists under current Party rulers.

Was Jacksonville, FLA double murder a revenge attack for Zimmerman verdict?

21st Century Wire | Why isn’t the US Department of Justice investigating this possible Trayvon reprisal attack in Florida?

NSA is more than just a spy network, it’s global fascism

Patrick Henningsen | Where is the crisis of international diplomacy between the US and Europe over NSA spying?

MOB RULE: Trayvon Twitter Mobs Demand ‘Federal Justice’ and New ‘Race Hate’ Retrial

Peter Sterry | “Never let a good crisis go to waste” – has never been more true than with this show trial.

Zimmerman Acquitted: Political agitators move in, race mobs on standby

21st Century Wire | Political race-baiting over Zimmerman trial has driven America to the edge of an all-out race war.

How firms like Serco and G4S pad their invoices for tens of millions – and get away with it

21WIRE + BBC | Government security contractor firms still charging for tagging criminals who were back in prison and some who had died.

John Kiriakou – CIA Whistleblower Describes Fed Prison & Being Denied Treatment

21WIRE + The Dissenter | Some call it a chilling effect, but we’ll call state intimidation.

Manufacturing Terror: Another ‘Underwear Bomber’ – Working for CIA

21WIRE + Guardian | How many careers depend on this synthetic narrative to continue?

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