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NSA-cum-SKYNET: ‘Future Snowdens will be replaced by computers’

21WIRE + RT | It’s official: our government has lost control and cannot make decisions any longer.

Snowden’s encrypted email service Lavabit voluntarily throws itself under the bus

21WIRE + RT | When it comes to cloak and digital dagger with Snowden, we don’t know jack…

Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Forces US Court Ruling Declaring it a ‘Real Currency’

21WIRE + RT | A Bernie Madoff protégé from East Texas managed to dupe a lot of Bitcoin lovers…

West remains silent as Islamist militants massacre Kurds in the northern Syria

Patrick Henningsen | The Kurds be the key factor in determining outcomes in Syria and the Middle East as a whole.

Reality Behind the Myth: Why GMOs Can Never Be Safe

Dr Mercola | Monsanto and other biotech companies claim genetically modified (GM) crops have no impact on anything, but they are wrong…

Theresa May covers up devastating border security report, revelations buried ‘for reasons of national security’

Mail Online | The secrets of Britain’s asylum floodgate revealed, but why was it covered under ‘national security’?

MK ULTRA assassin Nidal Hasan is seeking his own death penalty

21WIRE + WP | Who is Nidal Hassan? He’s certainly is not your everyday Army shrink.

What will happen when Bilderberger Jeff Bezos takes over the Washington Post?

Patrick Henningsen | Jeff Bezos is on Bilderberg’s steering committee, so where is he steering our news media?

Obama Blows out Putin over Snowden Affair

21WIRE + RT | The Junior Senator from Illinois just bottled it, again.

Palestinian Peace Talks: The ‘No-State’ Solution

Patrick Henningsen | Until Israelis stop empowering their hard-line militant politicians, there will be no peaceful solution for Palestine.

London Plumber Targeted in £1 Million ‘Anti-terror Operation’

UK Column | Patrick Henningsen interviews Ian Puddick about his ongoing campaign for justice.

Mountain of Docs: Journalist Glenn Greenwald sitting on 20,000 Snowden leaked documents

21WIRE + RT | Amazing amount of documents, but we’re still left wondering who really works for who?

Five Year ‘Show Trial’ Ends Turkish Military Coup Saga

21WIRE + BBC | Erdogan has dodged a few bullets, but he remains on very shaky ground with the Turkish people.

Ian Crane Interview: ‘Fracking Nightmare in the UK’

UK Column | Fracking may be the most risky, half-baked energy scheme of the 21st century.

Jihadi Jail Break: Over 2,000 Taliban and al Qaeda sprung promping ‘new global terror threat’

21st Century Wire | Coincidence? We don’t think so…

Transhumanism Made Easy: Introducing ‘Smart Skin’

21WIRE + Zen Gardner | New ultra-sensitive “smart” skin that can collect information about the body and environment.

NSA to Hackers: ‘Please come and work for us’

21WIRE + WP | NSA trying to recruit White Hat hackers to do their Black Hat work.

NSA chief admits ‘We’ve only foiled one terror plot’ (and even that one is bogus)

21WIRE + WP | There is NO basis for such a program, unless it’s designed to spy on innocent citizens.

Snowden has finally left the building (or Moscow transit area to be exact)

Wash Post | Ed Snowden has been let out of his limbo lounge at Moscow Airport.

More Snowden leaks: New details on the NSA’s mass global surveillance program

21WIRE + IT News | We learn more about the NSA’s international partners in crime…

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