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Diane Feinstein’s Personal War on Independent Media & America’s Move Towards a Fascist State

21WIRE + BenSwann.com | She wants to cut-off access to public forums for bloggers, videos, radio and websites who aren’t “mainstream”.

Big Medical: Cancer Doctor Indicted for Billing for Unnecessary Chemo Treatments

21WIRE + The Nation | Imagine how this type of scam could fester under Obamacare…

Lebanese President: ‘Latest Beirut car bomb has all the fingerprints of Israel’

21WIRE + TDS | The second car bomb in the last two months, with Israel being accused in both events.

Peru University invents billboard that makes 100 litres of drinking water per day – out of thin air

21WIRE + Mail Online | There are powerful people who will fight tooth and nail to make sure that this technology is never adopted on a wide scale,

Abby Martin vs Nestlé and its bottled tap water

RT America | As business models go, Nestlé has got that profit thing down cold…

Obamacare Sneak Preview: Black teen denied life-saving heart transplant for ‘non-compliance’

21WIRE + RT | This is a good example of the future under a brutal healthcare rationing regime.

Iraq war vet speaks out: ‘We’re building a domestic army in America’

21WIRE + YouTube | It should be obvious by now that Homeland Security is preparing to engage the public.

Government using microwaves as stealth weapon against protesters

21WIRE + YouTube | This risk extends not just to general tissue health, but also to future male and female reproductive capability.

Obama, McCain and Graham are empowering the church-burning fanatics in Egypt

21WIRE + TDS | Why is Washington DC’s political elite so adamant about backing a theocratic minority government?

You’re Being Robbed (and you don’t even know it)

21WIRE + Mail Online | The money pickpocketed from savings and wages through this cunning attack is used to pay off the nation’s debtors, including our own Government.

Israeli Security Academy Training Agent Provocateurs?

21WIRE | Arabs have been training at a dubious institution known as the International Security Academy.

Is God is Really an Estate Agent?

Patrick Henningsen | If another religious or ethnic group made similar claims, would they too be recognised?

Zero Attendance for Washington DC ‘Climate Change’ Rally

Free Beacon | A dying mythology…

NSA replacing 1000 humans, transferring jobs to ‘the cloud’

21 WIRE + WP | Do you trust the NSA with this new technology?

Obama’s Dog Airlifted in Osprey Helicopter to latest family vacation in Martha’s Vineyard

Washington Times | How much does it cost to airlift your dog on another family holiday?

Latest Mad Science: Turning carnivorous fish into vegetarian ‘hippie fish’ and other GM aqua-ventures

Patrick Henningsen | No, these recently converted veggies can’t survive on muesli alone…

Shilling for Petri Dish Cloned Cow Burgers is Insane and Dangerous

Jason Liosatos | Franken foods serve no real purpose other than to introduce something into our diet which we don’t need.

Cyprus: President Anastasiades announces ‘Guaranteed Minimum Income’ for all citizens

Cyprus Mail | Problem, reaction, solution…

Israel the likely culprit for drone attack over Egypt’s border

21WIRE + WP | Hmmm. Launching “deadly” large toy rockets into Israel for no reason other than to provoke IDF retaliation?

Putin rebuffs Gulf cash-for-arms deal, but Prince Bandar lets slip Saudi Arabia’s real agenda for Syria

21WIRE + RT | The Saudis appear to have put all their cards on the table, revealing the real agenda for Syria.

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