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‘Chemical Weapons’ media propaganda in US, UK is designed to hide the truth in Syria

21st Century Wire | The mainstream media has put on a full-court press, giving a guilty verdict in a highly coordinated trial-by-media.

Naked Tyranny: UK Gov’t defends detention David Miranda, as Guardian caves into threats

21WIRE + WP | Miranda was “forced to give passwords” to computers, email and social media accounts to his interrogators.

Media hypes latest ‘chemical’ attack in Syria but evidence does not add up

21WIRE + TDS | Frustration is mounting in Washington, London, Tel Aviv and Paris, and they will do anything to intervene militarily.

Gay Terrorists? The Fire-Bombing of Russian Church’s Anti-‘Gay Propaganda’ Lawmaker

21WIRE + RIA Novosti | What next?

Resurrecting Osama: Musharraf arrest for Benazir Bhutto assassination reignites the ‘bin Laden question’

21WIRE + AP | Former Army chief and President is now being thrown under the bus to bury the bin Laden hoax.

Greenwald’s partner detained by UK border security under Schedule 7 of Terrorism Act

21WIRE + RT London | Partner Miranda was detained, questioned and had all of his electronic possessions confiscated

Zuckerberg’s Facebook page hacked by unemployed web developer

21WIRE + WP | If we were in charge of the social network, we would’ve hired him on the spot.

TV Fakery in Egypt: Al Jazeera crisis actor caught out on camera pretending to be wounded

21st Century Wire | CNN would be jealous. Don’t expect Al Jazeera to ever air this clip again.

Episode #001 – THE SUNDAY WIRE

SUNDAY WIRE | Listen to the inaugural episode of The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen, broadcast on Sunday August 18, 2013.

Princess Diana taken out by SAS hit squad: Cops probing latest ‘sensational’ claim by black-ops soldier

21WIRE + Mirror | Establishment are already running for cover, trying to spin away the latest claim that Diana was assassinated.


21st Century Wire | Our first installment of a new weekly show will be broadcast on GMN this Sunday.

Obamacare RFID Implants? Worst-Case Scenario for Implanted Medical Devices

21WIRE + Console and Hollawell | It couldn’t happen, but suppose it did?

Diane Feinstein’s Personal War on Independent Media & America’s Move Towards a Fascist State

21WIRE + BenSwann.com | She wants to cut-off access to public forums for bloggers, videos, radio and websites who aren’t “mainstream”.

Big Medical: Cancer Doctor Indicted for Billing for Unnecessary Chemo Treatments

21WIRE + The Nation | Imagine how this type of scam could fester under Obamacare…

Lebanese President: ‘Latest Beirut car bomb has all the fingerprints of Israel’

21WIRE + TDS | The second car bomb in the last two months, with Israel being accused in both events.

Peru University invents billboard that makes 100 litres of drinking water per day – out of thin air

21WIRE + Mail Online | There are powerful people who will fight tooth and nail to make sure that this technology is never adopted on a wide scale,

Abby Martin vs Nestlé and its bottled tap water

RT America | As business models go, Nestlé has got that profit thing down cold…

Obamacare Sneak Preview: Black teen denied life-saving heart transplant for ‘non-compliance’

21WIRE + RT | This is a good example of the future under a brutal healthcare rationing regime.

Iraq war vet speaks out: ‘We’re building a domestic army in America’

21WIRE + YouTube | It should be obvious by now that Homeland Security is preparing to engage the public.

Government using microwaves as stealth weapon against protesters

21WIRE + YouTube | This risk extends not just to general tissue health, but also to future male and female reproductive capability.

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