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Bana Alabed “Dear World”, Book Review by a Conscientious Objector

Judith Tanner | Is Bana Alabed also a cursed child, whose future has already been mapped out for her by the war lobby?

Bana Alabed the Exploited Child – War, to “Save the Children”

Ken Stone | Bana has been made to live a lie for at least two years now.

WHITE HELMETS: Taxpayers Funds Used to Finance Terrorism in Syria?

21WIRE + Sputnik | UK FCO is squandering UK taxpayers money on Syrian terrorist groups while austerity imposed at home.

Bana’s Pro-War Tweets Hit by Vanishing Spell Leading up to Book Launch

Caitlin Johnstone | We will never let people forget that the west is saturated in war propaganda.

Dear World: Inside the ‘Bana of Aleppo’ Propaganda Story

21WIRE | A different story from the one being fed to the masses on mainstream media.

BANA ALABED: A Lost Childhood and a Future Jeopardized by Ongoing Child Exploitation

Vanessa Beeley + Khaled Iskef | Child exploitation is at the heart of the propaganda underpinning the UK/US intervention in Syria

UK COLUMN NEWS: Western Media Continue to Cash-in on the ‘Bana of Aleppo’ Myth

UK Column News | UK Column News co-anchor Mike Robinson, joined by 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley for this special news feature.

BANA: The Heartbreaking Story of Child Exploitation, Propaganda and Media Falsehood

Tim Hayward | Since the fighting stopped in Aleppo, the verifiable truth about people, places and events there, is emerging.

‘Legless Abdulbasit’ – More Fake News from Syria’s ‘Moderate Rebel’ Media Machine

Barbara McKenzie | Move over Bana and Omran, there’s a new ‘opposition’ social media star – and never questioned by the mainstream media fake news merchants.

FAKE NEWS WEEK: ‘Assad and Russia’s Slaughter in Syria’: Deconstructing the Media’s Fake ‘War Crimes’ Narrative

Barbara McKenzie | From beginning to end, the mainstream media’s coverage of Syria has been intentionally distorted in order to support an aggressive geopolitical agenda by the West.

Who is Authoring Little Bana’s Tweets if She Can’t Speak English?

21WIRE | New video brings to light potential that little Bana of Aleppo doesn’t know English well enough to author those highly politicized tweets on Aleppo violence.

ALEPPO: ‘Local Activists’ or Al Qaeda Rogue’s Gallery?

Paul Mansfield | The deceivers and misinformers bringing us news from the Al Qaeda frontlines in Syria.

When Bana Al-Abed Blocked @21WIRE on Twitter

21WIRE | All jokes aside, what is happening to Bana Alabed is not her fault.

SYRIA: Child Exploitation: Who is ‘Bana of Aleppo’?

Barbara McKenzie | Child exploitation exposed as the deceptive corporate media runs out of narratives for Aleppo and Syria.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue