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Dear World: Inside the ‘Bana of Aleppo’ Propaganda Story

Remember the West’s regime change mascot, Bana of Aleppo? She has a book deal…

As J.K.Rowling’s publisher Simon & Schuster prepares to cash-in on the soon-to-be bestselling book claiming to be the thoughts and words of 8 year-old Syrian child, Bana Alabed – more facts are emerging about her parents’ extremist and terrorist connections. Still, the Western media continue to exploit and force-feed politicized speech through this unwitting child for profit, but more importantly – to advance the US and UK ‘regime change’ propaganda narrative against Syria. This and more…

Listen as SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen and UK Column’s Mike Robinson report on a different story from the one being fed to the masses on mainstream media – one of child exploitation, propaganda and media falsehood.

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