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Kiev Woes: US to Send Israel Artillery Shells Previously Earmarked for Ukraine

21WIRE | Kiev continues to slide further down the pecking order of Uncle Sam’s list of priorities.

INTERVIEW: Rick Munn & Blake Lovewell – Death of Diplomacy & UK Shipping DU to Ukraine

TNT Radio | Trying to steer clear of the gutter of mainstream politics (it’s not easy).

US-Funded Media Fails to Produce Evidence of ‘Russian War Crimes’ in Ukraine

Brian Berletic | How the West’s ‘Russian war crimes’ propaganda campaign has fallen flat on its face.

Are France and NATO Shipping Depleted Uranium Weaponry Into Ukraine?

Freddie Ponton | The evidence is everywhere: vast amounts of deadly material is very likely being shipped into Ukraine – and the damage will not be contained there.

Central Vietnam: An Enduring Legacy of How Far Washington is Willing to Go

Andre Vltchek | All of this must be remembered, because it is all still happening today.

This is Genocide: The U.S. Senate’s Armenian Gambit vis-à-vis Turkey

Dr Can Erimtan | US-Turkey relations may be devolving into tit-for-tat recriminations – against a backdrop of an ever widening trans-Atlantic rift.

NEW REPORT: Evidence of Turkey’s War Crimes in Syria and ISIS Members Within its Ranks

Khaled Iskef | Available evidence suggests NATO member Turkey has committed war crimes in Syria, and is employing known terrorists under the banner of its armed forces.

Pro-Palestine Rally Led by Ahed Tamimi Hits Streets of London

Robert Inlakesh | Palestinian Icon, Ahed Tamimi, led a rally of thousands through London today and the Media is either ignoring or downplaying it.

Israeli Snipers Kill Six, Injure 400 Palestinians at Gaza Protests

Robert Inlakesh | The Israeli regime is yet to be accused of war crimes.

UN Report: Saudi Arabia, UAE (not US, UK, France) Among Accused of Possible War Crimes in Yemen

21WIRE | There was no mention in the report of the US, UK or France providing support, training and weapons to Saudi Arabia.

Theresa May – A Role Model For Women In Saudi Arabia

21WIRE + The Independent | British Prime Minister Theresa May sets out to be a role model for women in Saudi Arabia.

BARBARIC: Israeli Soldiers Executed Dozens of Captive POWs, Covered-up by IDF

SOTT/Haaretz | After the massacre, an IDF bulldozer dumped the bodies into an improvised mass grave.

PROPAGANDA: Star Trek Beyond – Social Justice Warriors in Space

Jay Dyer | Once again, tribalists are demonized as “terrorists” for not accepting the US/NATO/UN, or “The Federation” faux liberal imperium. This film is blatant Pentagon propaganda.

‘BURN IT’: British Officials Told to Destroy Report Showing Iraq War Was Illegal

21WIRE | The evidence continues to mount against both Bush & Blair.

Bloodsport: Israelis Gather, Watch, Cheer, Celebrate Over 1,200 Killed in Gaza

21WIRE | Israel’s biennial obsession with killing Palestinians and Arabs must end before any hope of peace can be achieved in this story.

You’re Barred: Cocktail barman attempts citizen’s arrest on Tony Blair in London

21WIRE + RT | Is Twiggy Garcia 21st Century Wire’s Man of the Year?

War Crimes: Obama’s arrest, Bush’s trial

RT | “We’ll get Bush in the US”, sats the world’s top war crimes prosecutor…

Israel, US and the West are Humanity’s Greatest Terror Threat

Jason Liosatos | Israel ‘defending itself’ is one of the biggest lies ever dumped into the brains of Western media consumers.

Guilty: US, UK and France are training Syrian rebels – in Jordan

RT | NATO is clearly guilty of stoking one of the most violent proxy sieges of a country this century.

Peace Prize from UNESCO for French PM Hollande for War Crimes in Mali?

Jason Liosatos | Did Francois Hollande really just collect a peace prize??

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