Jason Liosatos
21st Century Wire
“The principle & which is quite true in itself & that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily.”
– From Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, attributed to Joseph Goebbels
Those in the higher echelons of governments waging the so called ‘war on terror’ are ironically the biggest terrorists of all, and the biggest threat to peace and stability on our planet.
We only need to look what they have done just in the last thirty years to see what killing and misery they have caused. The only real terror is them, and other terror threats are generally in retaliation to them. Barack Obama said ‘the future of Syria must be determined by its people’, but it is being determined by Israel twinned and in bed with the US military might and NATO ‘peacekeepers’, with the usual promise of freedom and democracy, and brought about by bloodshed and destruction in the usual hugely profitably way they always do it, by destruct and rebuild, like Libya, Iraq and others places.
Let us remember the nauseating sight of the smiling faces of David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, William Hague and Mahmoud Jibril – all holding hands aloft triumphantly in Libya gloating at the destruction they had caused, after orchestrating the beginning of a genocide and chaos too dreadful to explain. They are spreading like a rampant cancer through the Middle East and are beginning to look like a modern day version of Adolf Hitler.
They are directly responsible for mass murder, by giving the thumbs up to the rebels, who became their armed henchmen and assassins to kill for them on a wholesale basis. The rebels were like wild killing machines, like young boys given guns and bullets who are having a wonderful time playing out their war games for real, seemingly using anyone as target practice, reveling in the new found power bestowed on them, but not realizing they are building their own prison, with the white man from the west the jail keeper as usual. The rebels are awakening from the chloroform but not sufficiently to realize they are being tricked and used like pawns, and the inevitable bloodbath has ensued, with not a splash of blood on the crisp dark suits of the comptrollers of the massacre. As I have already mentioned it’s easy to murder mass amounts of people by hiring others to do it, as has happened in Libya and now in Syria.
The US gives roughly $3 billion dollars in military aid to Israel a year for weapons, that is a staggering and unbelievable $6 million a day, but wait for this, in the form of vouchers, so they can only buy the weapons from the US arms industry. None of the donated money goes to Israeli society. The chaos in the region is ideal for US arms sales.
The Germans have sold submarines to Israel with capabilities of destroying Iran with a nuclear weapon, at the bargain price of $500 million dollars for two; it is looking very ominous, and very suspicious, as those same submarines now lurk under the water just off Iran. It seems that Israel may be used to destroy Iran for the western government gangsters. So the gullible public won’t think it’s them as usual doing the slaughtering. It’s horribly predictable: I hope the sick plan doesn’t reach fruition. It’s unbelievable to watch the grisly stage being set. And of course Iran wants nuclear weapons, so would you or I if we saw the US military taking over most of the Middle East with bloodshed and insanity, with its sights set on us via the barrel of Israel’s guns.
And why do they seem to side with Israel and veto the Palestinians? Is it just a coincidence that there are a lot of Jews in the US Government and the US is so vehemently against Palestinian freedom. It is also cause for concern that the US Administration is so ruthlessly taking over the Middle East, I hope it’s just a coincidence, but as I have already talked about there is no such thing, as things take place by a coinciding of events by planned decisions. They talk of creating peace and stability, but consistently do the complete opposite, and are actually the usurpers of peace on this planet. They use any opportunity to intervene in countries. They come as saviors using the excuse that the government they are liberating the people from cannot use force on their own people who are protesting against them.
Each intervention simply furthers their own interests, and is masked in the form of moral, ethical standards and protection for the people they are supposedly liberating, as their saviors to achieve freedom and democracy. Understandably the majority of the people with often very little to lose, who have been suppressed for many years are delighted at being saved from their ruling oppressors, with the hope of something better, not realizing that they are being used as pawns for the scheming western governments plans, and are simply being taken over by new oppressors with new promises.
Their discontent and anger is just cunningly used by the western governments as an excuse to jump on board the train to ousting their leaders with the protestors help. They also don’t realize that the democracy that their saviors are promising is not a democracy at all, but will just be a new gang of oligarchs with different labels, carefully positioned by the US bringers of democracy, often colluding with corrupt gangs and leaders already there.
Writer Jason Liosatos is an author of The Emergency Transformation of Human Beings and the host of Global Peace Radio and based in the UK.