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SYRIA: Beheading of Palestinian Child Prompts US to Disassociate from its Proxy Psychopaths

21WIRE +YallaLaBarra | The US yet again tries to distance itself from its proxy psychopaths inside Syria

UPDATES: Post-Coup in Turkey – Erdogan’s Revenge

21WIRE | As the coup in Turkey appears to have failed, what comes next?

Amaryllis Fox: CIA Whistleblower or Secret Agent of Confusion?

Brandon Turbeville | Portrayed as a CIA whistleblower, is Amaryllis Fox a clandestine misinformant?

SYRIA: President Bahsar Al Assad Talks to Australian SBS TV

21WIRE | Syria’s President Assad talks to Australian SBS TV.

GAME OVER: Airstrikes Annihilate 700 ISIS Vehicles Fleeing Fallujah

21WIRE | Their fight appears to be over.

SYRIA: Western Media Shares Responsibility with NATO Terrorists for War against Syria

21WIRE | Dr Bouthaina Shaaban accuses western media of fomenting violence against the Syrian people

‘Major Defence Partner’: American Military Industrial Complex Infects India

21WIRE | What does the US have planned for India?

Syria White Helmets: NATO’s Shadow State Project Blueprint

Vanessa Beeley | The Syria White Helmets and the NGO Complex, NATO’s shadow state building project

Interview with Prof. Tim Anderson: NATO’s Dirty War on Syria

Tim Anderson | Professor Tim Anderson reinforces the truth of the Dirty War on Syria including the White Helmet shadow state building

The “Arab Spring”: Seduction of the Delusional Imperialist Left

Donnchadh Mac an Ghoill | The Gaslighting project to “seduce” the anti-war movements and deluded Left

SYRIA: Turkey’s Repeated Violations of Syrian Sovereignty and Criminal Activities Against Syria

21WIRE | Dr Bashar al Jaafari, Syria’s representative at UN, and Russia publicly berate Turkey’s persistent violations of Syrian sovereignty

WHO ARE SYRIA’S WHITE HELMETS (terrorist linked)?

Vanessa Beeley | Who are the White Helmets? A question we should all be asking as Jo Cox’s death is exploited by world governments to reinforce a US NATO shadow state inside Syria.

Why is the Shadow Government Still Pushing Obama to Bomb Assad?

21WIRE | Is a war against Assad approaching?

Deep State Actors in the Orlando Event: Jay w/Afternoon Commute

Jay Dyer | The Orlando Gay Nightclub Shooting, Psychological Operations, Christina Grimme Murder, Manufactured Terror, The East West Dialectic, Top Secret America, Weaponized Culture

SYRIA: In a Surprise Attack, Russia Bombs US Assets on the Ground Not Once but Twice

Moon of Alabama | US pushes Russia too far and Russia pushes back, bombing US assets on the ground in Syria

YEMEN: Ongoing Violations of War, Human Rights & Humanitarian Law

21WIRE | Speaking out against the US, UK backed Saudi Coalition crimes against Humanity in Yemen

The US State Department’s Obsessive Collective Hegemony Disorder

Robert Parry | US State Department display terrifying levels of collective insanity to broker WWIII

Syria: Washington’s War Drums Amplify as US Diplomats Demand ‘Global Effort to End Conflict’

21WIRE | US frustration at thwarted Syria road map provokes a veiled call to arms by US Diplomats

Syria: Aleppo Doctor Demolishes Imperialist Propaganda and Media Warmongering

Vanessa Beeley | Dr Nabil Antaki, a Doctor based in western Aleppo speaks about all aspects of the US, NATO dirty war against Syria.

German ‘Boots on the Ground’ as NATO Troop Build-Up Continues on Syria-Turkey Border

21WIRE | NATO troops invade Syria along Turkish border forming a shadow battle front under cover of fighting ISIS

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