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British MP Shot and Stabbed, Suspect In Custody

21WIRE | A shocking attack in broad daylight in front of many witnesses – with huge social and political implications.

One killed, 11 injured as demonstrators collide near Iranian embassy in Beirut

21st Century Wire | A violent clash between “for and against Hezbollah presence in Syria” has erupted near Iranian Embassy in Beirut.

Did Washington put a press gagging order on Quantico Marine killings?

21st Century Wire | Incidents involving military or law enforcement personnel are all too often a closed shop.

Does Aurora shooter James Holmes really have a Doppelgänger?

21st Century Wire | This story may be the epitome of a wild, nutty ‘conspiracy theory’, but beyond that, are we being told everything there is to know about the Aurora shooting?

9/11 and Philip Marshall Murder-Suicide Questions: My Trip To Murphys

Greg Fernandez Jr | Philip Marshall is dead, but new questions arise about the official explanation of his alleged ‘murder-suicide’.

US MEDIA: Are The Children Of Newtown Being Exploited?

21WIRE | The new propaganda line is simple: ‘you live in a dangerous world, your children are not safe – and only the state can protect you…’

Is America Over-Reacting With ‘Post-Newtown’ Power Politics?

Daily Shooter Poll | Has America gone nuts over Sandy Hook?

Miami Beach Police Threaten Man At Gunpoint To Hand Over Phone

But video survived even after police tried to destroy phone By Carlos Miller  Pixiq June 5, 2011 Miami Beach police did their best to destroy a citizen video that shows them shooting a man to death in a hail of bullets Memorial Day. First, police pointed their guns at the man who shot the video, […]

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