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Is America Over-Reacting With ‘Post-Newtown’ Power Politics?

21st Century Wire says…

In what the US mainstream media is now referring to as the ‘Post New Town’ political epoch in America, notorious Talk Show host Alex Jones of Infowars.com fame was summoned to CNN’s media palace to sit opposite Piers Morgan, following Alex Jones’s campaign to “Deport Piers Morgan”.

But the street is split on who came out on top in this recent Square Off between these two media moguls…

Mainline viewers are all rounding on Jones, accusing him of coming off like a raving lunatic who wouldn’t give his opponent the courtesy of any debate – as Morgan claims Sandy Hook was the final straw and Americans need to be disarmed. Alternative media spectators are rounding on Morgan because he sounds like an elitist toff and was ‘owned’ by Jones on Morgan’s CNN home pitch, drilling home the fundamentals of the US Constitution’s sacrosanct Second Amendment – the right the keep, and bare arms…

So we are asking you – the punters who matter, our readers – beyond this battle of Morgan vs Jones, tell us what is the real issue at stake here and how should this debate end – and why.

Leave your comment below…

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