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Did Washington put a press gagging order on Quantico Marine killings?

21st Century Wire

No follow-up reporting has been done by the media regarding the March 21st multiple homicide incident at elite Marine training facility at Quantico, Virginia.  

Victims on the day included three active-duty Marines, and as is almost always the case now with such events, the alleged shooter is said to have committed suicide by gunshot. 

The Shooter

Reports later confirmed the shooter being a different person, one Sergeant Eusebio Lopez, aged 25.

Eusebio Lopez was a top instructor at Quantico.

Lopez was a trainer at the officer candidate school there, which would mean that he would be the cream of the crop in terms of his Marine service record and ability and admittedly, the Marine Corp has stated that he “is not the type” to be involved in such an incident. Lopez’s list of service awards and medals is very long, and very prestigious.

The victims were said to be one male and one female, 19-year-old Sara Castromana (a clerk) and 23-year-old Jacob Wooley (a radio operator), but very little information was reported after the event by the mainstream, or alternative medias. 

To date, nothing else is known about this incident other than the shooting remains under investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

One can’t help but compare this heavily under reported incident to the Fort Hood Shooting  which took place on Nov. 5, 2009, where allegedly, an Army psychiatrist, Maj. Nidal Hasan, went on a shooting rampage within the confines of a highly secure military base. His court-martial is set to begin May 29th, where he faces the death penalty or life in prison without parole pending his trial on 13 counts of premeditated murder.

This Quantico incident is the second bizarre incident in recent years to hit the Quantico area and surrounding high value US military facilities…

The Mystery of Melaku

In 2010, a former Marine, Yonathan Melaku – a then 22 year old naturalized Ethiopian immigrant, was sentenced to 25 years in prison after firing at the National Museum of Marine Corps in Quantico, the Pentagon and other military facilities. Melaku is said to have been protesting against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Initially, the FBI had detained him for being at  Arlington National Cemetery while it was closed at night , and a later investigation somehow linked Melaku to a long series of seemingly unrelated incidents at government facilities. The story reads like a perfect picture for investigators – including references to Osama bin Laden, and more bizarrely – where he is said to have fired shots into “a section of the Pentagon that was closed, due to renovation”.

One only has to look at the Melaku profile to see how easily he could have fit perfectly into a new ‘DC Sniper‘ story of John Allen Muhammad, but it appears that Meluku’s operation was shut down early in its cycle, and the story was quickly outlined and then closed by authorities.

The DC Sniper narrative also has a few strange parallels to Chris Dorner‘s LA manhunt in February.

The official story for Meluka goes like this:

“The first shooting was aimed at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Virginia on October 16, when bullets from a high-velocity rifle penetrated the atrium skylight. On October 19, 2010 shortly before 5 a.m., an unidentified gunman shot at the south side of The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, shattering, but not penetrating windows on the third and fourth floors. The offices behind those windows were vacant due to renovations. The Pentagon Reservation was locked down as authorities swept the area for evidence, and the building was reopened about 5:40 a.m. The Joint Terrorism Task Force is leading the investigation into the incident. Then the shooter attacked the Marine Corps Museum again on October 29. The same rifle was used to attack a Marine Corps recruiting center in Chantilly, Virginia on October 26.

(…) On November 3, authorities announced that the same rifle was used to shoot at a United States Coast Guard recruiting center in Woodbridge, Virginia on late November 1 or early November 2.

(…) He was carrying spent shell casings, a notebook containing references to the Taliban and Osama bin Laden, and plastic bags filled with ammonium nitrate, a common component of homemade explosives. He also left his vehicle parked in the woods near the Pentagon, police said. He had also been recently charged with breaking into 27 cars in suburban Washington.

It’s also worth mentioning here: only 3 days before the recent Quantico killings took place, eight US Marine personnel were killed, with seven more wounded, after an alleged ‘mortar explosion’ during a live-fire training exercise at an ammunition storage facility at a US military facility in Hawthorne, Nevada. This particular secure site is also a training facility for Special Operations forces preparing for deployments to the Middle East. Considering the standard media coverage laid on if soldiers are killed in Afghanistan by IEDs, this story has been surprisingly under reported.

We are not saying that any of these military personnel shootings or deaths are at all related, but we can say for sure that the profiles of the cases do overlap with others in some instances – but more importantly, we can safely say here that very little can ever be known by the public about an event which takes place at a military installation, or from incidents involving military (or law enforcement)  personnel. Investigations are all too often a closed shop, where gagging orders can easily be put in place, and where the taxpaying public have no dominion because of ‘national security’.

All we are saying is that when so little is known – the public would like to know more.

With at least one of the above highlighted incidents, you can bet for certain that there is more to it than meets the eye.



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