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Robotics Professor: People Will Soon Be ‘Losing Their Virginity’ to Robots

21st Century Wire says…

Our ‘culture’ and society may be truly unrecognisable in a few years time.

In another example of techno-fetishism and a truly shocking symptom of a cultural collapse and decay, a top robotics professor is warning that robotic relationships are going to doom humanity to a world devoid of real human relationships (see report below).

Recently, the movie Ex Machina played out a similar scenario, and also in the British Channel 4 TV series Humans, where life-like, humanoid robots were marketed and used to fulfill most human roles including sex and the sex worker industry.

In other cultural collapse news, one renowned feminist has argued how ‘transgender mania‘ may be a symptom of our coming decline. Combine that analysis with this latest news, and we can see the societal beginnings of some genuinely real problems, including some fundamental paradigm shifts in how we view ourselves with in the ever shifting context of the family and human society as we once knew it.

A crisis of consciousness?

The next decades will challenge the fundamental meanings of the human experience….


Teens may soon have their first sexual encounters with specially-designed robotic dolls, an expert has claimed. He warns the trend could ruin human relationships.

Professor Noel Sharkey, professor of robotics at Sheffield University, told the Cheltenham Science Festival on Thursday that the rise of the love machines could have terrible consequences for humanity.

It’s not a problem having sex with a machine,” Sharkey argued. “But what if it’s your first time, your first relationship?

What do you think of the opposite sex then? What do you think a man or a woman is?

Sharkey warned that the robots “will get in the way of real life, stopping people forming relationships with normal people.

While such dolls are already available in Japan and some even have basic speech recognition, Sharkey said they should not be available to under-16s in the UK. However, he accepted they were likely to find their way into the hands of teenagers.

If your dad or mum had one, you could sneak in and use it,” he warned.

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