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Sweden Now Waging ‘Russian Invasion’ Psy-op on its Own Population

ICYMI | It seems that Sweden is the latest country to fall off the edge of reality due to Russian fearmongering.

WHITE HELMETS: ‘Humanitarians’ and the ‘Moderate’ Bomb Factory in Saqba, Eastern Ghouta

Vanessa Beeley | The myth of the White Helmet ‘NGO’ and their role in promoting terrorism in Syria.

Avengers: Infinity War – Esoteric Hollywood’s Revelation – VID

Jay Dyer | Based on my previous analysis and recent viewing of the Guardians of the Galaxy films, Doctor Strange and the latest installment of Avengers, the Infinity War – replete with gnostic, Luciferian and cabalistic themes.  

On Syria, Media & Propaganda: Academic Freedom and Setting An Example

Tim Hayward | If we are intimidated into restricting our attention to ‘authorised’ questions, what kind of society do you think we are heading for?

Craig Murray: Why Mainstream Media are Attacking Indy Media

Craig Murray | The lauded “Index on Censorship” is a farce – Britain is now waging a pernicious war against any independent voices and political dissent online.

Syrian Boy Featured in Douma ‘Chemical Attack’ Video Tells His Story

21WIRE + RT | Hassan is doing quite well physically, and did not appear to suffer any injuries from a chemical attack.

UK COLUMN: British Intel Now Claims Syria Involved in Skripal Case and More

UK Column News | Mike Robinson is joined by Patrick Henningsen and guest Piers Robinson for today’s news round-up.

George Carlin on The Language of Politics

National Press Club | An essential translation guide for political-speak.

Syrian Journalist Shows How Ghouta Militants Became Victims of Their Own Propaganda

Patrick Henningsen | While most journalists are meant to simply report the news and document events, this one became a bridge between two irreconcilable sides in Syria’s long war.

MSM Fake News: The UK’s ‘Bosnian Death Camp’ Deception

Emperor’s Clothes | Mainstream Media produced images that grossly distorted reality and were used to promote a fake ‘humanitarian’ intervention in Yugoslavia.

Henningsen: Avaaz Bots, MSM #FakeNews, Russia’s World Cup and Syria

Sputnik Radio | As the US and UK escalate tensions against Russia, the mainstream media are now attacking dissenting opinion and political speech under the dubious guise of ‘combating fake news’.

Propaganda & Manipulation: How Mass Media Engineers and Distorts Our Perceptions

Dr Jerry Kroth | From Coke to Carl’s Jr., Hip-hop to the Iraq War and Syria – the role of subliminal propaganda in our lives is all pervasive.

Hollywood, DC – Sean Stone Doc. ft. Oliver Stone, Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | Watching the Hawks’ Sean Stone is joined by a variety of Hollywood insiders in exploring the entertainment industry’s institutional embrace of Washington, DC’s military-industrial complex.

SKRIPAL AFFAIR: The Chilly Climate Change of a New Cold War

Tony Kevin | UK Government is basing its statements on crude conspiracy theorism.

Gun Control vs. Boiler Room – EP #151

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher and the ACR-Braintrust gather the A-team to debrief from SXSW in Austin TX and discuss what’s new(s) since our last meeting.

Deep Blue State: Why are Democrats Fielding So Many ‘ex-CIA’ Candidates?

21WIRE | Democratic candidates with clandestine, military-intelligence and national security apparatus backgrounds, making up the largest single occupational group running in the Democratic primaries.

Stephen Cohen: Russiagate as Historical Amnesia or Mass Denialism

Stephen F. Cohen | America’s bout of politicized amnesia means that the current hysterical Russiagate allegations may never be put into a sane historical perspective.

REVEALED: How Western Media Continue to Exploit Children in Syria

21WIRE + Dan Cohen | 15 year-old Syrian boy Muhammed Najem is the latest under-aged propaganda cannon fodder to be used and abused by western media outlets.

Ghouta: Terrorists Fire Over 70 Missiles into Damascus, Targeting Humanitarian Corridors

21WIRE | Terrorists continue to shell civilians in Damascus, as well as hitting humanitarian corridors, thus keeping residents evacuating.

SYRIA: The Guardian Journalist who takes ‘Afternoon Tea’ with ISIS and Survives.

Vanessa Beeley | The Guardian is following a well know recipe for “Humanitarian” war.

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